ace warm marriage

Chapter 1321 Pregnancy Month

Chapter 1321 Pregnancy October ([-])
After walking for a while, Sheng Fenghua was a little tired, and Si Zhanbei helped her to sit down on the chair by the garden.

"Daughter-in-law, thank you for your hard work." Si Zhanbei said with distress while holding Sheng Fenghua's hand.When eating just now, Ning Minglie told Sheng Fenghua that he couldn't eat and vomited uncomfortably.

Only then did he realize why his daughter-in-law only ate stinky tofu. It turned out that it was because of morning sickness.

Speaking of which, it was because he didn't care enough about Sheng Fenghua that he didn't even know that he had morning sickness.

"It's okay!" Sheng Fenghua smiled and rested his head on Si Zhanbei's shoulder.Pregnancy was really hard, but when she thought that it was her and Si Zhanbei's child, her heart was filled with happiness.

Si Zhanbei gently put his arms around Sheng Fenghua's waist, and did not speak any more.

After sitting for a while, the two felt that the night wind was getting a bit chilly, so they got up and went home.Back home, Ning Minglie and Ye Qingge had gone to rest.The two of them then returned to their room. Sheng Fenghua felt uncomfortable, so he took his clothes to take a shower.

Si Zhanbei watched his little wife enter the bathroom, and then walked in with a set of clothes.

Sheng Fenghua, who was taking a bath, saw Si Zhanbei coming in, was taken aback, and asked, "Why did you come in?"

"I'll help you take a bath." Si Zhanbei said solemnly, but his eyes fell on Sheng Fenghua's snowy peak.I don't know if it was his illusion, but he felt that the two snow peaks of his little wife seemed much bigger.

When Sheng Fenghua heard Si Zhanbei's words, he immediately panicked, waved his hands and said, "No, no!"

Just kidding, asking Si Zhanbei to bathe her, not to mention whether he can bear it, even she herself can't bear it.After all, the two are husband and wife, and they haven't been intimate since they became pregnant.She didn't want to accidentally wipe the gun and fire it.

Now she can't stand Si Zhanbei's torture.To be on the safe side, it's better not to take a bath together.

"Daughter-in-law, why don't you use it? You have worked hard these days, let my husband take good care of you, okay?" Si Zhanbei smiled evilly, not only did not go out, but approached Sheng Fenghua instead.

As Si Zhanbei approached, Sheng Fenghua felt that the air had become different.She stretched out her hand and pushed Si Zhanbei out, and said, "I don't work hard, and I don't need your service. You should go outside and wait, I will wash it in a while."

Seeing his little wife's nervous look, Si Zhanbei understood after a little thought.So, he looked up at her and said seriously, "Daughter-in-law, you know what you are worried about. Don't worry, I will only help you take a bath and nothing else."

"No!" Sheng Fenghua still disagreed.It's not that she doesn't trust Si Zhanbei, but she's afraid that she will lose control.So, no matter what, Si Zhanbei couldn't let her take a bath.

"Daughter-in-law, I came in even now, and my clothes are all wet, so just let me wash them for you." Seeing that his little wife was still unwilling, Si Zhanbei had no choice but to resort to the tactic of mourning.

He really didn't have any other ideas, he just wanted to help his little wife take a bath, rub her back and so on.How could she be so nervous?Could it be that he just looks so ignorant?

"The clothes are wet, you just need to change them." Sheng Fenghua still didn't let go, and he used a little more force on his hands.She had to push Si Zhan Bei out, otherwise he would really wash her for a while.

Although it is a very comfortable thing for someone to serve you in the shower, it is not now.Now is not the time to mess around, so take it easy.

(End of this chapter)

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