ace warm marriage

Chapter 1329 Pregnancy Month

Chapter 1329 Pregnant October (16)

But it's different now, Sheng Fenghua is pregnant with a baby, so don't be careless.Fighting and the like should be avoided.That's why he asked Sheng Fenghua to take someone with him when he went out.

With people by her side, Sheng Fenghua didn't need to fight or anything, and if something happened, there would be someone to protect her.

"Don't worry, I won't mess around." Sheng Fenghua said with a smile.She knew what Si Zhanbei was worried about, and she was not a careless person.

Even if she meets Bai Feifei on the road, she will strike first.Of course, she won't be tough, and she won't use the tricks to deal with gentlemen.She would directly send Bai Feifei a handful of poisonous powder and ask her to report to Hades.

However, Si Zhanbei was not completely relieved, thinking that he had to let Sheng Fenghua, who was secretly protecting Sheng Fenghua, be more clever, so that Sheng Fenghua would not directly confront Bai Feifei if he was not careful.

The two talked for a while, then went to bed to rest.The next morning, Si Zhanbei got up early, saw his little wife in his sleep, and didn't wake her up. He just lowered his head and kissed her forehead, then got out of bed lightly, and went out. room.

When Sheng Fenghua woke up, Si Zhanbei had already arrived at the military academy.Seeing his daughter getting up, Ye Qingge asked with a smile, "Why didn't you sleep a little longer?"

"Where's Zhanbei, have you gone to school?" Sheng Fenghua asked.

"Yeah, he got up early in the morning to go to the military academy, and he didn't even eat breakfast."

When Sheng Fenghua heard that Si Zhanbei had left, he felt a little disappointed, and said to Ye Qingge: "Mom, since Zhanbei has gone back to school, I'll go back and sleep for a while."

"Go, go, I'll call you when breakfast is ready." Ye Qingge waved his hand, it was still early, Sheng Fenghua didn't need to get up so early.

Sheng Fenghua turned around and went back to his room, but instead of sleeping, he went into the space to exercise.After staying in the space for more than an hour, I came out, washed and changed clothes.

After dinner, Sheng Fenghua received a call from Mei Ruolan.It happened that she was in a bad mood and planned to go out to relax, so she agreed directly.

Mei Ruolan knew that she was pregnant and it was inconvenient to drive by herself, so she drove here to pick her up.

Knowing that Sheng Fenghua and Mei Ruolan were going out, Ye Qingge had nothing to worry about, and sent them to the door before turning back.

Mei Ruolan brought Sheng Fenghua directly to the Mei Group. The reason why she asked Sheng Fenghua today was because the company was going to hold an annual meeting, so she invited Sheng Fenghua to attend.

However, the party was at night, and during the day Mei Ruolan planned to pick out some dresses and ask Sheng Fenghua to be her adviser.

The two of them didn't stay long in Mei's, they went to a shop selling dresses.Sheng Fenghua helped Mei Ruolan choose two dresses, and he chose one for himself, and then the two went to a spa.

After doing this, it was afternoon.Seeing that it was getting late, the two ate something outside and went directly to the hotel under the name of the Mei Group.

When they arrived at the hotel, Mei Ruolan specially asked Sheng Fenghua to prepare some food suitable for pregnant women, and then went to work.

When Sheng Fenghua was full, the banquet almost started.Mei Ruolan, as the chairman of the Mei Group, took the stage to speak.

After speaking a few words, she invited Sheng Fenghua to the stage, introduced her to Mei's employees, and told them that she could be what she is today because of Sheng Fenghua.

After hearing Mei Ruolan's words, Mei's employees became more and more curious about Sheng Fenghua.They didn't know Sheng Fenghua, nor did they know her identity.I don't understand why Mei Ruolan would introduce her to everyone on such an important occasion.

(End of this chapter)

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