ace warm marriage

Chapter 133 The Nurse Complains

Chapter 133 The Nurse Complains
"Do you want to feed the child yourself? But your wound is not suitable for large movements, otherwise it will be very troublesome if the wound opens."

Sheng Fenghua frowned and looked at Lin Li.She is not ventilated yet, and she can only drink soup, how to feed the child?
"Doctor Sheng, I can't feed, isn't there still my husband?" Lin Li laughed and glanced at her husband.She was really frightened by the nurse just now. If she took the child away and later said that there was something wrong with the child, she would not be able to withstand such frights again and again.

"Can you feed the children?" Sheng Fenghua turned to look at Lin Li's husband.

The man was taken aback for a moment, and then said quickly: "I don't know how to do it, but I can learn."

"Well, since that's the case, the child can stay with you." Sheng Fenghua hugged the child and was about to put it on Lin Li's bedside.

However, the nurse quit. After glancing at Lin Li and her husband, she turned her head to look at Sheng Fenghua and said, "What's wrong with you, an intern? Did you just let this child go as soon as you said it would?" ?”

"The hospital doesn't seem to have a rule that children can't follow their parents, right?" Sheng Fenghua glanced at the nurse lightly. She knew that putting the child here would have a bad influence on the nurse.

Others may say that it is because the nurse did not take good care of the child that the child's parents asked him to keep him by his side.

However, it is true.This nurse is not a novice at first glance, she doesn't even have the most basic common sense, it's no wonder that the child's parents can feel relieved.

"You?" The nurse stared at Sheng Fenghua, without words to refute.The hospital does not have clear rules, but unwritten rules have long been formed.Only a newcomer like Sheng Fenghua didn't know.

"You can leave now." Sheng Fenghua waved his hand to the nurse, and then asked the man to take out the bottle of milk powder he brought, preparing to teach him how to breastfeed.

The nurse looked at it, very angry, gave Sheng Fenghua a hard look, and then went to Wang Hongmei to file a complaint.

Director Wu is not here, and the obstetrics and gynecology department has always been decided by Wang Hongmei.So, she planned to go to Wang Hongmei's place to report to Sheng Fenghua well, so that she couldn't bear to walk around.

Sheng Fenghua knew that the nurse was angry with him, and knew that she might speak ill of him, or secretly hurt him, but he didn't care, and taught the man to breastfeed seriously.

He didn't leave until the other party learned it.

Seeing that Sheng Fenghua could even breastfeed at such a young age, the man and Lin Li couldn't help being amazed.But neither of the two asked Sheng Fenghua why she did this, thinking that she learned it from the example.

Besides, after the nurse left the ward, she went to the department. Seeing that there was no one there, she knew that Wang Hongmei was leading someone to round the ward, so she waited in the corridor.Seeing her come out of rounds, he immediately went up to greet her and said, "Director Wang, that new intern is too arrogant."

"A new intern?" Director Wang glanced at the nurse and said, "It seems that there is no intern in our department? Are you talking about Sheng Fenghua?"

"It should be her. I heard someone calling her Dr. Sheng. She is so annoying." The nurse recounted the scene that happened in the ward before, and Wang Hongmei said with anger on her face, "Go, let's go Meet her for a while."

After speaking, Wang Hongmei led a group of doctors and nurses towards Ward No. [-].At this time, Sheng Fenghua just came out of the ward, looked at a group of doctors and nurses standing in front of him, raised his eyebrows, and asked, "What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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