ace warm marriage

Chapter 1332 Pregnancy Month

Chapter 1332 Pregnant October (19)

"The target has been on guard for a long time. As soon as our people approached her, she discovered it."

"What?" Bai Feifei's face changed, and he cursed, "A bunch of trash. Five or six people can't even deal with a woman. What use do I need you?"

"Sister Bai calm down, please give us some more time, we promise to complete the task." The man begged Bai Feifei to give them another chance, and he planned to wait until Sheng Fenghua left the hotel before doing it.

Bai Feifei was right, there were five or six of them, and Sheng Fenghua was the only one.It is said that one punch is hard to beat with four hands, let alone they have more than four hands.

"You guys have already startled the snake? Do you think she will let you have another chance to get close? Why did I raise you a bunch of idiots? If I had known this, I might as well have done it myself." Bai Feifei was so angry that he was fine. The opportunity is gone.

And in this way, Sheng Fenghua's vigilance became even higher.Maybe in the future, I will just stay at home and not come out, even if I go out, there will be no fewer people around me.

How could it be like today, without even a bodyguard around?

It seems that she still has to find another way today, to deal with Sheng Fenghua first.Otherwise, if you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to find another meeting.

After thinking about it, Bai Feifei suddenly said, "You keep an eye on her, I'll be there in a while."

"Yes!" The other party replied, and then turned around and returned to the hotel when he was about to leave.They entered the lobby again, secretly watching Sheng Fenghua's every move.

After Bai Feifei hung up the phone, he drove the car directly to the parking lot of the hotel, then got out of the car, stepped on high heels, twisted his waist, and entered the hotel in a charming manner.

Bai Feifei is not bad looking, and he has specially dressed up. In addition, he has learned nothing else in foreign countries these days, so he has learned the ability to charm people in general.

So that no matter where she went, her eyes followed.Seeing those eyes falling on him, Bai Feifei was extremely proud.

Anyway, she has no shortage of men now.As long as she gently hooks her hands, there will be a lot of men rushing towards her.

Twisting his waist, Bai Feifei entered the hotel, and then headed towards the banquet hall where Mei's annual meeting was held.Before, when her men entered the hall, they were sneaky.

But this Bai Feifei couldn't even hide it, so she went to the hall openly and aboveboard, and no one stopped her.

Entering the hall, Bai Feifei found his people in advance, asked about Sheng Fenghua's movements, and then looked into the hall.

With just one glance, she saw Sheng Fenghua who was sitting in the rest area eating snacks, and jealousy and hatred burst out of his eyes instantly.

She had always been jealous and hated Sheng Fenghua.She felt that if it wasn't for Sheng Fenghua, Si Zhanbei would be her man.

If she had married Si Zhanbei, she would not be in this situation today.Her parents would not have left one after another, leaving her alone and suffering.

If she didn't have this pretty face, she might be sent to that dark place like Dr. Wu now.

Thinking of Dr. Wu's final tragic death, Bai Feifei couldn't help shivering.No, she must not be sent to that kind of place, so she must kill Sheng Fenghua.

Only by killing Sheng Fenghua, the people above will value her and let her live a good life.What's more, Sheng Fenghua ruined her family, she wanted to kill her a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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