ace warm marriage

Chapter 1336 Monthly Pregnancy

Chapter 1336 Pregnancy in October (23)

Now Bai Feifei obviously has someone behind him.Otherwise, how could she support so many subordinates?

It seems that she still has to find someone to check her background, and it is best to uproot her.

"That's good!" Mei Ruolan watched Sheng Fenghua listen to her words, nodded, and then saw her sitting here bored, so she said: "Fenghua, you are fine now anyway, how about I introduce you Do you know a friend?"

"Aunt Mei, let's go another day. It's getting late, I want to go back." Sheng Fenghua rejected Mei Ruolan's offer, because she still had things to do, so she planned to go back early.

"That's it, then I'll take you back. Wait a minute, I'll go and talk to them." When Mei Ruolan heard that Sheng Fenghua wanted to go back, she didn't force her.However, she was the one who picked up Sheng Fenghua before, and now that Sheng Fenghua wanted to go back, he would naturally send her back, otherwise she would not be at ease.

"Aunt Mei, no need, I'll just go back by myself." Sheng Fenghua rejected Mei Ruolan's offer.She said going back was just a cover, her goal was Bai Feifei.

Moreover, her people should also be here, so there is no need for Mei Ruolan to send them off.

"How can this be done? I picked you up, so I will naturally send you back. Besides, I don't worry about you going back alone."

"Aunt Mei, don't worry, I'm not going back alone. I've already called someone to pick me up, so don't bother you."

"Someone is here to pick you up?" Mei Ruolan looked at Sheng Fenghua suspiciously, thought for a while and said, "In that case, I'll take you out."

Mei Ruolan was relieved when she didn't see the person who picked up Sheng Fenghua.

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua didn't refuse, this would make Mei Ruolan feel at ease, so why wouldn't she do it?

Sheng Fenghua stood up, and Mei Ruolan accompanied her out of the banquet hall.

The person who stared at Sheng Fenghua secretly saw her leaving the banquet hall, and immediately told Bai Feifei.At this time, Bai Feifei was sitting in his car in the parking lot.

The reason why she chose to wait in the car was because she thought that Sheng Fenghua would leave soon, and she would definitely drive so that she would not miss her departure.

Now, when someone under his command said that Sheng Fenghua was leaving, he was very happy.She decided that as soon as she saw Sheng Fenghua, she would shoot directly.

Just as she was planning, a voice came from the phone again, saying, "Miss Bai, she is not alone, that person surnamed Mei came out with her."

"The surname is Mei? Is she looking for death? If that's the case, then she will be fulfilled." Bai Feifei doesn't want to miss this opportunity anymore, since Mei Ruolan came out with Sheng Fenghua, then let her accompany Sheng Fenghua Just go to hell.

Bai Feifei also hated Mei Ruolan, because she helped Sheng Fenghua run on her before and drove her away.Now, even killing her at the same time, it can be regarded as a breath of anger.

Just as Bai Feifei was thinking, a car drove into the parking lot.Seeing the car, for some reason, she felt a little uneasy.

However, she didn't think much about it, thinking that she was oversensitive.So he kept staring at the elevator entrance, waiting for Sheng Fenghua to come down.

Not long after, Sheng Fenghua walked out of the elevator accompanied by Mei Ruolan.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua, Bai Feifei had a smug look on his face.He opened the car door and prepared to walk towards the two of them.

Just now, she had someone solve the surveillance in the underground parking lot.Even if she kills people here, no one will know.

However, she hasn't gotten out of the car yet.But someone opened the car door first and walked towards Sheng Fenghua.

(End of this chapter)

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