ace warm marriage

Chapter 1341 Monthly Pregnancy

Chapter 1341 Pregnancy in October (28)

The phone was connected quickly, and a man's voice came from my ear.As soon as the female bodyguard heard the boss's voice, she asked, "Boss, why didn't you send someone to pick me up?"

"Anqi, you are no longer a member of the dark guard, so don't call me again." The words of the boss, that is, Anyi, made the female bodyguard's face turn ugly instantly, and asked: "Why? ?”

"Daanqi, you've always been smart. It's just that your cleverness has been mistaken by your cleverness. As for why, you should think about it for yourself and what you did."

"What am I doing?" The female bodyguard looked puzzled.

However, An Yi didn't want to explain too much, and just said: "Okay, you have been fired, please don't contact me again."

After speaking, An Yi hung up the phone directly.

The female bodyguard's face became more and more ugly when she heard the blind tone from the mobile phone.She raised her hand, trying to throw the phone out.

But after thinking about it, I felt unwilling, so I redialed the number again, but there was the sound of shutting down the phone.

At this moment, the female bodyguard's face was so gloomy that it seemed that water was about to drip.Damn An Yi, he actually blacklisted her, he really didn't want to contact her anymore.

"Asshole!" The female bodyguard yelled, and finally couldn't help but dropped the phone.

The policeman looked at the female bodyguard's dispirited look and shook his head.Secretly thought, some people, that’s how they are, they don’t give up until they reach the Yellow River, and they have to rush to get their own humiliation.Why bother?

The female bodyguard was furious, but when she thought that she would never get out after entering the police station, how could she be reconciled.But before, she called the boss, but he ignored her.It seems that she has been given up by the Si family.

But even so, she didn't feel that she had done anything wrong.On the contrary, she felt that Sheng Fenghua was to blame for her falling to this point.

If it wasn't for Sheng Fenghua, she would not have been given up by the Si family.

The more I thought about it, the more I hated the female bodyguard.But there is no way.She is a dark guard and an orphan. Apart from her partner who is also a dark guard, she doesn't have a single friend, and she doesn't even know who to turn to for help.

But she didn't want to stay in prison for the rest of her life.

How to do?
The female bodyguard thought of a solution.

After thinking for a while, she suddenly cast her eyes on the policeman and asked, "Are you married?"

The policeman was taken aback, looking at the female bodyguard, wondering why she suddenly asked this.They don't seem to know each other that well, do they?

"Why are you in a daze, I asked you if you are married?" The female bodyguard looked at the policeman in a daze, and couldn't help but yelled.

"What's none of your business?" After being yelled at by the female bodyguard, her complexion suddenly turned bad, and she choked.

I thought that the female bodyguard would automatically shut up, but what she didn't want to say made the police dumbfounded.

I only heard the female bodyguard say: "Of course it's my business. If you are not married, then I can marry you. But the premise is that you have to let me go first."

After hearing this, the policeman looked at the female bodyguard as if he was looking at an idiot.She even said that she wanted to marry him, and even asked him to let her go, what is it if she is not an idiot?
Who does she think she is, a fairy?Do you think he will marry if she says marry?I really don't know what to say.

"What are you looking at me like that for?" The female bodyguard looked at the policeman looking at her, pretended to be shy, lowered her head, and said, "I will be embarrassed if you look at me like this."

The policeman was speechless, he opened his mouth but didn't say a word.He really has nothing to say about this kind of woman who feels good about herself.

(End of this chapter)

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