ace warm marriage

Chapter 1355 Monthly Pregnancy

Chapter 1355 Pregnancy in October (42)

"I'm fine!" Looking at his worried wife, Ning Minglie waved his hands.When he came back just now, for the sake of safety, he didn't stop on the road.

Therefore, his embarrassed appearance directly fell into Ye Qingge's eyes.

Seeing that Ning Minglie's clothes were disheveled and his head was injured, Ye Qingge was startled and asked, "Minglie, you're injured."

"Small injury, it's not a problem." Ning Minglie waved his hand, he only suffered skin trauma, so it doesn't matter.

After finishing speaking, he said to the stand-in who was supporting him: "Girl, please send me into the house."

At this time, Ye Qingge also saw clearly the appearance of the stand-in supporting Ning Minglie, and couldn't help but froze in place, unable to react for a long time.

It wasn't until the stand-in helped Ning Minglie go that Ye Qingge came back to his senses, then watched and chased after him, walked to the other side of Ning Minglie, and walked into the hall with his arm.

As soon as he entered the hall, Ye Qingge yelled, "Steward Wu, Steward Wu."

Hearing the shout, Wu Lin immediately ran out of the room and asked, "Ma'am, what are your orders?"

"Butler Wu, the master is injured. Quickly call the family doctor." Ye Qingge ordered, and helped Ning Minglie to sit down on the sofa.

After watching Ning Minglie sit down, the stand-in felt that he had sent Ning Minglie home safely, that the task had been completed, and planned to leave.

So, she said to Ning Minglie: "Mr. Ning, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

As soon as he heard that the stand-in was about to leave, Ye Qingge jumped ahead of Ning Minglie and said, "Wait a minute!"

"Mrs. Ning?" The stand-in looked at Ye Qingge, and looked at her questioningly.

"What's your name?" Ye Qingge looked at the double and asked.This stand-in looks so much like Sheng Fenghua, if he is not a familiar person, it is easy to mistake him for Sheng Fenghua.

She wondered if the other party had something to do with her, otherwise, how could the other party look so similar to Sheng Fenghua.

"Lin Xue." The stand-in honestly told Ye Qingge his name, but didn't notice anything strange about Ye Qingge.

"Qing Ge, what's the matter?" Ning Minglie felt that something was wrong with his wife's tone, so he couldn't help asking.Although on the way, the substitute had already told him that it was her task to save him.But he was still full of gratitude to the substitute.

Anyway, she got him out.Moreover, she was so similar to Sheng Fenghua, which made him feel close to her.

Therefore, Ning Minglie didn't want Ye Qingge to have any objections to the double, and he didn't want her to neglect her savior.

"It's okay!" Ye Qingge waved his hand, glanced at Lin Xue, and said, "Miss Lin, thank you for bringing my husband back."

"Madam Ning is polite, this is what I should do."

"If Mrs. Ning is fine, then Lin Xue will leave." After Lin Xue finished speaking, she stepped up and was about to leave.

No, at this moment, Ning Minglie spoke again, and said, "Miss Lin, please wait a moment."

"Mr. Ning, you still have something to do." Lin Xue turned her head and looked at Ning Minglie.

"Miss Lin, you saved me, I have to thank you very much." After Ning Minglie finished speaking, he turned to Ye Qingge and said, "Qingge, go to our room and bring the box from the closet."

Ye Qingge got up and went to get things.Ning Minglie looked at Lin Xue, smiled and said, "Miss Lin, please wait a moment, I want to give you a thank you gift."

When Lin Xue heard this, she couldn't help but frowned. She glanced at Ning Minglie and said, "Mr. Ning, there's no need. It's my task to save you. Let me go!"

(End of this chapter)

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