ace warm marriage

Chapter 1357 Monthly Pregnancy

Chapter 1357 Pregnancy in October (44)

Fortunately, Ye Qingge did not call Sheng Fenghua after hearing Ning Minglie's words.Because at this time they have already met the leader He Fengyang.

When the leader He Fengyang found himself surrounded, it was already too late.The place where they live is not like before, there is a secret passage to leave.

Except that this house is a bit bigger, there is no secret passage at all.Moreover, Si Zhanbei and the others learned the previous lesson and sent people to both the upper and lower floors.

No matter whether they want to escape from the upper level or the lower level, it is all in vain.

The leader looked at the people surrounding the house with a gloomy expression.No need to guess, he also knew that something happened to Feng Hai, otherwise Si Zhanbei and the others would not have appeared here.

"Boss, what should we do?" Feng Yang looked at the window, there were quite a few people guarding downstairs.Even if they wanted to escape through the window, it was impossible.

"What to do, do it!" The leader said, and then said to Feng Yang: "Call and let our people come over. No matter what you say, you have to fight, or you will be arrested just like that, are you willing?"

Feng Yang was naturally not reconciled.So after listening to the leader's words, I contacted their people directly.This time, they brought a lot of people here, besides those that Feng Hai took away, there were many more.

And those people are relatively close, a phone call is made, and they will come soon.Seeing his own people coming, the leader immediately decided to kill them.

So, the moment the rescuer fired his gun, the leader opened the room and rushed out.He knew that Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua would definitely not kill him right away.The biggest possibility is to catch him and send him to prison.

After all, being arrested in his capacity is definitely a great thing for the Huaxia police.Not only can it improve the international status of the Huaxia police, but it can also have a deterrent effect on people on the road.

The leader always thought that the people who came here were the police and plainclothes, but he didn't know that they were just people from Si Zhanbei.

So, when he rushed out, he immediately met several guns.Facing these muzzles, the leader wanted to shoot, but saw a flash of silver light, and the painful pistol in his hand fell to the ground.

As soon as the pistol fell, the leader wanted to pick it up, but a shout came from next to his ear: "Don't move!"

As for Feng Yang, there is nowhere to go.He came out with the leader protecting him, and the leader was pointed at by a gun, so he was spared?
So, although the two were full of unwillingness, they could do nothing.Of course, they can also die with each other or something.However, neither of them wanted to die, so naturally they couldn't do something to die together.

And the leader also prepared for the worst.Even if he is caught and put in prison, he still has a chance.As long as the people over there make a move, he might be able to escape.

After weighing several times, the leader didn't resist any more, and obediently let Si Zhanbei's people arrest him.

Sheng Fenghua saw that his own people had restrained the leader, stepped forward, and gave him some good things first, then looked at the ugly leader with a smile, and said, "Fengqing, how are you!"

"Who are you?" The leader looked at Sheng Fenghua in surprise.Fengqing is exactly his name, but it has not been used for a long time.People on the road only know that he is the leader of the dark night, but they don't know that his name is Fengqing.

Even the people inside the Dark Night Organization, except for those veterans, no one else knew his name.

"Who am I?" The smile on Sheng Fenghua's face deepened a bit, and then he made a gesture under the leader's shocked gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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