ace warm marriage

Chapter 136 Strange Patient

Chapter 136 Strange Patient

"Don't worry, the baby is fine. Your cecum is inflamed." Sheng Fenghua comforted the pregnant woman with a smile, then took out the prescription paper prepared on the side, wrote a few drug names in it, and handed it to the pregnant woman: "This It’s traditional Chinese medicine, take it to grab the medicine, and take three doses.”

"Thank you doctor." The patient thanked him, got up and left with the prescription.

After walking a few steps, she stopped, then turned to look at Sheng Fenghua and asked, "Doctor, I heard that taking medicine is not good for children."

"Don't worry, what I prescribed is traditional Chinese medicine, and it won't affect your child."

"That's it, then I can rest assured." The patient laughed, thanked Sheng Fenghua again, and then left.

Sheng Fenghua saw the doctor very quickly. In just one morning, he saw hundreds of patients.Except for a few who were seriously ill and ordered them to go for an examination, others were directly prescribed prescriptions, some of which were Chinese medicines, and some of them were Western medicines.

From distrust at the beginning to conviction in the end, all the patients happily left with the orders from Sheng Fenghua.

Nurse Chen was a little dumbfounded seeing this scene. She thought that those patients would not believe Sheng Fenghua, so she asked someone else to watch it.But I don't want to, when they left, they all had smiles on their faces.

How did Sheng Fenghua do it?
In the past, even Director Wu had never seen a patient leave with a smile on his face.

It's difficult, Sheng Fenghua is really so amazing?
Thinking about it, Nurse Chen couldn't help thinking of the gossip she just heard, saying that Sheng Fenghua was not only airborne, but also a doctor invited by Dean Yang himself.

He just came here yesterday, so he just pissed off Director Wu and left.Said she was arrogant and domineering, said she was defiant.

Thinking of these rumors, Nurse Chen looked at Sheng Fenghua carefully, feeling that she was not like that kind of person.

Sheng Fenghua knew about Nurse Chen's scrutiny, but she didn't expose it.Anyway, being looked at a few times by others will not lose a bad meat.

If someone wants to see it, let them see it.

After seeing the last patient, it was already time for Sheng Fenghua to get off work. She stood up and was about to leave. She didn't want a woman to be helped up to her.

Nurse Chen glanced at the woman and said, "Ma'am, we are off work, come back in the afternoon."

Then, the woman ignored Nurse Chen, but looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Doctor, my stomach hurts unbearably, please help me."

Nurse Chen was about to speak, but she didn't want Sheng Fenghua to say to her: "You get off work first, and I'll help her read it before leaving."

"That's fine, I'll go first." Nurse Chen glanced at Sheng Fenghua, hesitated and left.

It's past the time to get off work, and if she doesn't go to the canteen, she probably will run out of food.

When Nurse Chen left, Sheng Fenghua glanced at the woman indifferently, and suddenly said, "You're not sick at all."

Hearing this, the woman's complexion changed, and guilt flashed in her eyes, but she refused to admit it, and said: "Doctor, you didn't show me, why do you say I'm not sick?"

"Why?" Sheng Fenghua sneered, and said, "Of course it's because you came at the wrong time, and the expression on your face was wrong."

"You, what do you mean?" The woman became more and more guilty.

"Literally." Sheng Fenghua said lightly. This woman came to look for her even though she was not sick. Sheng Fenghua felt that the other party must have bad intentions, so she let Nurse Chen go first.

She would like to see, what purpose does this woman have?
 The fourth watch is over!There are fewer and fewer messages. Is it because the writing is not good?

(End of this chapter)

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