ace warm marriage

Chapter 1360 Monthly Pregnancy

Chapter 1360 Pregnancy in October (47)

When Aunt Wu was reprocessing the dishes, Ning Minglie thought of saving Lin Xue, so he asked Si Zhanbei about her.

"Zhan Bei, that Miss Lin Xue who saved me, do you know her contact information?"

"Dad, what's the matter?" Si Zhanbei was a little puzzled, wondering why Ning Minglie wanted Lin Xue's contact information.Lin Xue was the person he was looking for, one of his subordinates, so he naturally had contact information.However, he didn't understand why Ning Minglie wanted Lin Xue's contact information.

"She saved me, and we didn't thank her properly. Your mother and I wanted to invite her to our house for a meal." Ning Minglie said with a smile.

"Lin Xue?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Ning Minglie and the others suspiciously, and asked, "Could it be that girl who looks somewhat like me?"

"That's right, it's her."

"Dad, Mom, why do you suddenly want to invite Lin Xue home for dinner?" Sheng Fenghua was also very puzzled, she was not very clear about Lin Xue's situation.

However, her parents wanted to invite each other to their house for dinner, which surprised her a little.It seems that the parents feel very good about Lin Xue. I don't know why?
Just thinking about it, Ye Qingge looked at Sheng Fenghua, hesitant to speak.The first time she saw Lin Xue, she had the same intimacy as Ning Minglie.

Therefore, she wondered in her heart whether Lin Xue had anything to do with her, and wanted to find out.It's just that she can't just ask the other party carelessly like this, she just wants to ask her clearly when she comes to eat at home.

"Mom, if you have anything to say, just say it." Seeing Ye Qingge's hesitation, Sheng Fenghua said with a smile.

Ye Qingge took a deep look at Sheng Fenghua, and then said: "Fenghua, don't you think Lin Xue looks a lot like you?"

"I know." Sheng Fenghua nodded, this Lin Xue was quite similar to her.It's just that she didn't quite understand why her mother would mention this.

In this world, there are not many people who look alike.Therefore, when she saw Lin Xue, she didn't have any extra thoughts at all.

"What does Mom want to say?" Si Zhanbei looked at Ye Qingge and asked calmly.When he approached Lin Xue in the first place, it was also because she looked a bit like Sheng Fenghua.Otherwise, he wouldn't have asked her to be Sheng Fenghua's substitute.

"I suspect that Lin Xue may have some relationship with me."

When Ye Qingge said this, the three people present were startled and looked at her together.

"Mom, what do you mean?" Sheng Fenghua took a while to ask.She was thinking, mother wouldn't tell her that Lin Xue was her sister, would she?

But soon she threw this idea out of her mind, she read Ye Qingge's diary, she only had her as a daughter.Therefore, Lin Xue could not be her sister.

"I suspect that Lin Xue is probably your aunt's daughter." Ye Qingge had an older sister who disappeared when she was a teenager.

"Auntie?" Sheng Fenghua was stunned again, looked at Ye Qingge and asked, "Mom, do I still have an auntie? Why haven't I heard from you?"

"This happened decades ago. It's no wonder you didn't know. I actually only found out later. Your aunt is more than ten years older than me. She disappeared before I was born."

"What? Auntie is missing?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Ye Qingge in surprise.No wonder she never heard Ye Qingge mention this person.

It turned out to be missing.

"That's what your grandmother told me. I don't know the specifics."

"Mom, what's your aunt's name?" Sheng Fenghua couldn't help being curious about the aunt his mother was talking about.

(End of this chapter)

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