ace warm marriage

Chapter 1363 Monthly Pregnancy

Chapter 1363 Pregnancy in October (50)

Hearing her daughter's voice, Lin Qingzhao came back to her senses, and said, "I'm fine, I'm listening."

"Mom, as long as you're fine." Lin Xue heard her mother's voice again, and felt relieved.However, her mother's silence just now made her understand one thing, that is, what Sheng Fenghua said might be true.His own mother and her mother were probably sisters.

What Lin Xue didn't understand was, since her mother and Ye Qingge were sisters, why were there so many differences between them.

Moreover, for more than 20 years, she has never heard her mother mention that there are relatives.Every year on the second day of the new year, I was supposed to go back to my mother's house, but my mother never went back once.

These made her unable to understand, and wanted to ask her mother, but it was difficult to ask because she was on the phone.

"I'm fine, don't worry. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up." Lin Qingzhao suddenly found out that he might have a younger sister, and he felt a little restless, and wanted to calm down.

"Mom, I haven't answered the question I just asked." Lin Xue said quickly, not wanting to hang up the phone in such a daze.

Lin Qingzhao heard her daughter say this, and knew that if she didn't tell her, she would definitely not give up.So he sighed and said, "Since you asked, if you don't tell me, you will definitely not be able to sleep. My original surname was Ye, but I changed it to Lin later."

"Mom, so you and Aunt Ye should be sisters?" Lin Xue asked a little excitedly.

"If the other party really looks like me and their surname is Ye, then there is a [-]% chance." After thinking for a while, Lin Qingzhao said again: "If it's convenient, you can ask her for a phone number, and I will call her personally. Ask."

"Okay!" Lin Xue agreed.Although she had a lot of things to ask, her mother obviously didn't want to talk about it, and she didn't force it.

Now, although she is still not [-]% sure, her intuition tells her that Ye Qingge should be her mother's younger sister, her aunt.

After hanging up on her mother's phone, Lin Xue called Sheng Fenghua and asked her for Ye Qingge's phone number.

When Sheng Fenghua heard Lin Xue asking him for a phone number, he already understood a little bit, but he didn't ask any more questions, and directly told her the phone number at home.

When she got a call from Ye Qingge, Lin Xue called home again and told her mother.

Holding Ye Qingge's phone, Lin Qingzhao hesitated for a long time before pressing the number key.

The phone was connected, and a voice came from the phone. Lin Qingzhao took a deep breath and said, "Hi, I'm looking for Ye Qingge."

Ye Qingge was taken aback when he heard someone looking for him.Generally, people who call to find her will say they are looking for Mrs. Ning.It was the first time that she said her name directly.So, she was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses and said, "I am. Who are you?"

"My name is Ye Qingzhao." Lin Qingzhao directly said his previous name, but Ye Qingge was startled, and then became excited, saying: "What did you say, you say it again."

She suspected that she had heard it wrong, so she asked the other party to say it again.

"I said my name is Ye Qingzhao." Lin Qingzhao repeated his name, and Ye Qingge heard it clearly this time.So, he became more and more excited, and said incoherently: "You, are you the eldest sister?"

Lin Qingzhao was taken aback for a moment, the title of eldest sister made her a little dazed, and after a while she asked, "Do you know me?"

(End of this chapter)

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