ace warm marriage

Chapter 1366 Monthly Pregnancy

Chapter 1366 Pregnancy in October (53)

"Why, can't I come?" Ning Ruiyu raised his eyebrows, looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked, "What are you doing alone in the room?"

"I'm not busy." Sheng Fenghua shook his head, then reached out to close the door behind him, and said, "Let's go, go sit in the living room."

Ning Ruiyu stepped up and turned sideways, letting Sheng Fenghua go first, and he followed behind.

The two went downstairs and came to the living room. Ye Qingge had someone wash the fruit and put it on the coffee table.

"Xiaoyu, would you like tea or a drink?" Seeing the two of them coming down, Ye Qingge greeted them again.

"Auntie, don't be busy. I'll be fine when I get thirsty." Ning Ruiyu waved his hand to keep Ye Qingge busy.However, Ye Qingge still poured him a cup of tea and placed it in front of him.

"Xiaoyu, shall we have dinner here tonight?" Ye Qingge asked again, if Ning Ruiyu had dinner here, she would have to ask Aunt Wu to cook more dishes.

Although they are relatives, Ning Ruiyu seldom comes to eat at home.

"Eat here." Before Ning Ruiyu could speak, Ning Minglie replied on his behalf.So, Ye Qingge got up and went to the kitchen, and told Aunt Wu to go.

"Why are you here today?" Sheng Fenghua sat down on the sofa, looked at Ning Ruiyu and asked.Now, although she doesn't care much about the previous incident, when facing Ning Ruiyu, she is still not as casual and natural as before.

"I'll come and see my uncle and aunt." Ning Ruiyu replied with a smile, but Sheng Fenghua didn't believe his words.Ning Ruiyu is a person who does not go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, he must have something to do, otherwise he would not come here.

Seeing the expression on Sheng Fenghua's face, Ning Ruiyu was a little frustrated, he knew that Sheng Fenghua would not believe it, so he continued: "One more thing is that our company is going on an outing the day after tomorrow, and I want to ask you if you can go ?”

"Picnic?" Sheng Fenghua immediately became interested when she heard it, because she was worried that she had no place to play.If Ning Ruiyu's company went on an outing, she might consider going with her.

In this way, with Ning Ruiyu by his side, Si Zhanbei can rest assured.

"Yes, we plan to go to City J for two days."

"City J, is it too far away?" Ye Qingge looked at Ning Ruiyu, and without waiting for Sheng Fenghua to speak, he directly expressed his concerns, saying: "It will take three or four hours by car alone, Fenghua's body It is estimated that it will be unbearable.”

"Auntie, don't worry, I will take good care of Fenghua." Ning Ruiyu promised with a smile.If Sheng Fenghua was going, he definitely couldn't just go like this.You have to be fully prepared, and you need to prepare additionally for the car.

After all, she can't be too tired now.So he has already made plans, if Sheng Fenghua is going, he will prepare a caravan.In this way, if Sheng Fenghua gets tired on the road, he can rest anytime and anywhere.

"Fenghua, I mean don't go, what do you think?" Ye Qingge looked at Sheng Fenghua and said.

"Mom, I'm going." Sheng Fenghua didn't listen to Ye Qingge.She didn't want to stay at home for a long time. Since she had the opportunity to go to J City, she would naturally not miss this opportunity.

As for her physical condition, she knows better than anyone else.After taking the medicine she made herself and no longer having morning sickness, she felt that there was nothing wrong with her.

Of course, it is easier to get tired than before, that is for sure.However, this did not prevent her from going out.Before she goes out, she will prepare some pills. When she is tired, she can take one pill to quickly replenish her energy.

In this way, what Ye Qingge was worried about would not happen.

(End of this chapter)

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