ace warm marriage

Chapter 1374 Monthly Pregnancy

Chapter 1374 Pregnancy in October (61)

But now it seems that he has to have a good talk with his mother-in-law.He asked his mother-in-law to take care of Sheng Fenghua out of kindness. He wanted her to be happier and happier.

But now, it's kind of counterproductive.If this continues and Sheng Fenghua becomes depressed, it will be bad.

Si Zhanbei coaxed Sheng Fenghua for a while before calming down Sheng Fenghua's emotions, and then the two went to bed together.

The next morning, Si Zhanbei got up early, planning to find a time to talk to Ye Qingge about Sheng Fenghua's situation, so that she wouldn't be so strict.

Coincidentally, both Ye Qingge and Ning Minglie woke up very early, and they were about to go out to exercise.

"Morning, Dad!" Si Zhanbei greeted the two elders, and watched the two go out, so he said, "Are you going out to exercise? I happen to be going back to school, let's go together."

Ning Minglie glanced at Si Zhanbei, knowing that he had something to say to them, so he nodded with a smile.

Walking on the road, Si Zhanbei considered his tone, and then said to the two: "Father, Mom, Fenghua has not been in a good mood recently."

"What's wrong?" Ye Qingge immediately became concerned when he heard that Sheng Fenghua was in a bad mood.

"Mom, it's like this. Sheng Fenghua has always been impatient. Now that she is pregnant, we don't let her go to work, and she is a little unwilling. Plus, staying at home every day is boring, so... "

Before Si Zhanbei finished speaking, Ning Minglie understood what he meant, so he said, "Zhanbei, I know that your mother is too strict in controlling Fenghua. She also had good intentions, but it is obvious that Fenghua is not good enough. I like it so much. How about this way, your mother and I are going to leave in two days, so we can give Fenghua a break."

"When we come back, your mother and I will move out. My house has been bought a long time ago. Before seeing Fenghuayue was still young, your mother was worried. Now that the fetus has been firmly seated, even if we are not by her side , there should be no problem."

"Dad, what?" Si Zhanbei looked at Ning Minglie with some embarrassment. What he said just now was to let his mother-in-law take care of Sheng Fenghua, but he didn't mean to drive them away.

Ning Minglie stretched out his hand and patted Si Zhanbei's shoulder, as if you don't need to tell me what I understand.

He had already planned to move out. Even if Si Zhanbei didn't talk about Sheng Fenghua's situation today, he still planned to move out after returning this time.

Ye Qingge looked at Ning Minglie with wide eyes after hearing this, and asked, "When did you buy a house, why didn't I know?"

"I bought it as soon as I got back." Ning Minglie smiled and didn't explain much.When he decided to settle in City B, he planned to buy a house.

Although, even if he doesn't buy it, the Ning family can live there.However, he felt that it would be better to have his own small family.

Just like now, living with my daughter and son-in-law is nothing at first.After a long time, there will still be some contradictions.

In this way, not to mention hurting feelings, it's not good.

"Dad, Mom, I don't mean anything else." Si Zhanbei felt that he still had to explain, otherwise it would be bad for the two elders to have a lump in their hearts.

"We all understand." Ning Minglie smiled and said: "These days, Fenghua is in a bad mood, and I can see it in my eyes. I know, it's your mother who takes more control and makes her a little annoyed. Just However, her mother is in charge of her, so she can't say anything. However, I can see that she doesn't like being controlled. "

(End of this chapter)

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