ace warm marriage

Chapter 1386 Monthly Pregnancy

Chapter 1386 Pregnancy in October (73)

"Xianxian, stay away from that friend of yours in the future. Those who offend Mrs. Si will not end well."

"Yes, Xianxian, you'd better draw a line with that woman just now. Mrs. Si is not a kind person. You should have heard of the former Wen family, right? Because the eldest lady of the Wen family offended Mrs. Si, in the end A family as big as the Wen family will collapse if it says it will collapse."

"Yes, Xianxian, we are doing it for your own good."

Listening to what the guest said, Xianxian suddenly became concerned.In the past, she had a good relationship with Feng Nuoxi, and it was naturally because she was the eldest lady of the Feng family.

I also want to get some benefits from her.

But now it seems that this Feng Nuoxi not only can't help her, but will bring her troubles. Naturally, she won't foolishly become friends with her again.

"Thank you, I understand what you mean." After thanking everyone, Xianxian went back to make hair for the guests.

Besides, Feng Nuoxi, after being sent back to Feng's house by Sheng Fenghua's bodyguards, made Feng Wenming so angry that he died.He directly found a whip and beat her severely.

Not only that, but he also ordered Feng Nuoxi to be locked up.

Feng Nuoxi's mother originally wanted to ask for it, but in the end she didn't say a word of pleading to Shangfeng Wenming's angry eyes.

She wanted to wait until Feng Wenming calmed down.

However, before she could wait for Feng Wenming to die down, Feng was on the verge of bankruptcy.Feng Wenming has been devastated by the company's affairs, how dare Mrs. Feng bother him?

At this time, Feng Wenming got the news that Feng's family would face bankruptcy because Feng Nuoxi offended Sheng Fenghua.

This news made him so angry that he almost vomited blood.After returning home, he beat Feng Nuoxi again.Seeing that her husband was going to beat her daughter again, Mrs. Feng became anxious, stopped him and said, "Wing Wenming, Nuo Xi is your daughter, you beat her again and again, how can you do it?"

"How can I do it?" Feng Wenming turned his head to look at his wife, his eyes were red, and said, "I used to beat her too little, so that I spoiled her lawlessly and dared to mess with anyone. It's all right now, because of her, Feng Shi is finished."

"Civilization, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Feng Wenming pointed at Feng Nuoxi, gritted his teeth and said, "Your good daughter has offended someone who shouldn't be offended, and now the Feng family is about to die. Now, are you satisfied?"

"Me?" Mrs. Feng was too shocked to speak.However, Feng Wenming didn't pay any attention to her, but gave her a hard look, said "a loving mother loses her life", and left directly.

When Feng Wenming left, Feng Nuoxi looked at his mother and burst into tears.How did she know that offending Sheng Fenghua would become like this, she regretted it.

Unfortunately, it was too late, and she couldn't speak anymore.Moreover, the Feng family is also finished, and she will no longer be the eldest lady of a rich family.

At this time, Feng Nuoxi was regretful, but it was of no avail.Because there is no way to turn back time, everything can never go back.

Mrs. Feng looked at her crying daughter, but she couldn't say a word of reprimand when she opened her mouth.

Feng Nuoxi had cried enough and was tired, so she fell asleep in Mrs. Feng's arms.

Sheng Fenghua didn't know anything about Feng's bankruptcy.She didn't mean to ask Feng's to go bankrupt, all of this was done by Si Zhanbei.

Even though he knew that Feng was from the Ning family, he still did it.Who made Feng Nuoxi bully his little wife?
(End of this chapter)

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