ace warm marriage

Chapter 1409 Fenglan Marriage

Chapter 1409 Fenglan Marriage ([-])

Seriously, this was something he hadn't thought of.He also thought about getting married regardless of whether the old man agreed or not.But in that case, he felt wronged by Mei Ruolan.

He hoped that his marriage with Mei Ruolan would be blessed by everyone.

"Uncle, Grandpa has a knot in his heart. If he didn't open his knot, he would never agree to your marriage with Aunt Mei."

"I know, but his heart knot is so heavy, it won't be solved in a short while. But I don't want to procrastinate any longer. After all, Ruolan and I are not young, if we procrastinate, we will both be old " Si Mufeng expressed his thoughts, and then asked: "Why don't you, Fenghua, help me persuade the old man. It can be seen that the old man listens to you more."

"Okay, let me try. But not today, the old man has been pissed off twice, so he can't mention it again. Otherwise, his body won't be able to bear it."

"I understand." Si Mufeng is naturally not that kind of selfish person, and he doesn't want to cause any accidents to the old man because of his own affairs.

Moreover, even if he and Mei Ruolan were going to get married, even if he was in a hurry, he wouldn't be in a hurry for a day or two.

"That's fine. I'll talk about it for you when Grandpa's mood stabilizes."


"Uncle, you don't have to be so polite. We are a family, and Zhan Bei and I want you to be happy." Sheng Fenghua smiled and waved her hands. She sincerely hoped that Si Mufeng would be happy.

He has paid a lot for the country in the first half of his life, and she hopes that he can be safe and happy in the second half of his life.

The two walked around the yard. Si Mufeng thought that Sheng Fenghua was pregnant with a child, and he was afraid that she would be tired, so he didn't talk to her outside, and went back to the house soon.

Back in the lobby, Sheng Fenghua went up to the second floor and went back to his and Si Zhanbei's room.After entering the room, she went to the space to dispense medicine.

Earlier, she said that she had brought medicine to Mr. Si, but it was the same medicine as before.But just now, she felt the pulse of old man Si and found that he was not in good health.So it is necessary to re-allocate some for him to take good care of him.

As for Si Mufeng, after watching Sheng Fenghua go upstairs, Mr. Si went to rest and went back to his room.

He returned to the room, called Mei Ruolan, and asked her to have dinner with her in the evening.Usually, both of them are busy, and there are very few opportunities to meet each other, let alone have dinner together.

Today, he was rarely free, and planned to have a good meal with Mei Ruolan, and then talk.

The two made an appointment to meet, and Si Mufeng went to the study.In the Si family, he has his own study, which is a room adjacent to that bedroom.The two rooms are connected, so he doesn't need to go out, just go directly from the bedroom.

After entering the study, Si Mufeng took a book to read after finishing his work.After reading for a while, seeing that it was getting late, he left the study, picked out a set of clothes in the bedroom, and prepared to go to the appointment.

When Sheng Fenghua came out of the room and saw Si Mufeng in a suit and tie, he couldn't help but take another look.

Si Mufeng, who was dressed in casual clothes, looked as good-looking as when he was wearing military uniform, but his demeanor seemed much softer and gentler.

Seeing his attire, Sheng Fenghua guessed that he was going on a date, and couldn't help but joked: "Uncle, are you going on a date?"

Si Mufeng glanced at Sheng Fenghua, nodded, and said, "Well, I have invited Ruolan to dinner. I won't be with you and grandpa tonight."

"Go, go, the date is important." Sheng Fenghua waved his hand, then went downstairs and walked towards Mr. Si's room.

 Ranran's new book "Ace Military Marriage: Rebirth of the Ninety-eight Lovely Wife" asks for favorites, comments, ratings, and votes!The same military marriage, but different stories, I hope you can be with Ranran to witness the sweet love between Mu Qiancheng and Jiang Xue.Do my best to protect you for the rest of your life—Mu Qiancheng.

(End of this chapter)

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