ace warm marriage

Chapter 1411 Fenglan Marriage

Chapter 1411 Fenglan Marriage ([-])

"If you go back to Mr. Si, the boss will be in the teahouse all day today, so I'll go and inform him to come over." The waiter is also familiar with Mr. Si and knows that he has a good relationship with the boss.

After leaving the private room, the waiter went to the boss's office in person and told him that Mr. Si was here.

The owner of the restaurant is surnamed Gu, and Mr. Si is used to calling him Mr. Gu.When he heard that Mr. Si had arrived, he was overjoyed.Thinking that it has been a long time since I played chess with Mr. Si, I took a box of chess and hurried to the private room.

Pushing open the door of the private room and seeing Sheng Fenghua sitting with Mr. Si, Mr. Gu was taken aback for a moment, then slowed down his pace.

"Old man Gu, you're here!" Old man Si greeted with a smile when he saw old man Gu come in.

"Old man Si, why did you change your sex today and brought a girl here?" Old man Gu sat down opposite Mr. Si and looked at Sheng Fenghua.

It was the first time he saw Mr. Si bring someone else, and it was a girl.

"What girl, this is my granddaughter-in-law, Sheng Fenghua." Old Master Si gave Old Man Gu an angry look, for some reason he always felt that Old Man Gu's words had some malicious intentions.

"So it's my grandson's wife..." Old man Gu procrastinated the word "ah" for a long, long time. If you listen carefully, you can still taste a different taste in the tone.

Mr. Si ignored Mr. Gu, but turned to Sheng Fenghua and said, "Fenghua, this is Mr. Gu, the owner of the restaurant."

"Hello, Mr. Gu!" Sheng Fenghua greeted her with a smile, and then sat quietly, allowing Mr. Gu to look her up and down.

After sizing up, old man Gu withdrew his gaze and said, "Not bad!"

"You don't even look at whose family it is, it's naturally good." Mr. Si replied arrogantly, then saw what Mr. Gu was holding in his hand, and said, "You want to kill me again?" plate?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Old man Gu gave old man Si a white look, then took out the things, put them on the table, and said, "Didn't you come just to have a fight with me?"

"Okay, kill every game, but you have to agree in advance. If you lose, you have to cook the whole table yourself today."

"No problem, I'll talk about it after you win." Old man Gu readily agreed.It's not that easy for Mr. Si to win against him.

"Okay, it's a deal." For this evening's meal, Mr. Si also worked hard.

The two old men quickly set up the chess set and started to walk.Sheng Fenghua sat and watched, but he didn't feel bored.

Watching the two old men go back and forth, sometimes their faces were flushed because they regretted the chess, and sometimes they were extremely proud because they won the chess.Sheng Fenghua thought it was a little funny.

However, she insisted on being a civilized audience, watching chess without saying a word.Occasionally pinch a piece of dim sum and put it in your mouth, tasting it happily.

In a game of chess, the two old men played for an entire hour, and in the end it was the old man Si who won half a piece.This made old man very dissatisfied.

He felt that Mr. Si was cheating, but Mr. Si refused to admit it. He stared at Mr. Gu and said, "Your own level is limited, so who can blame you?"

"Old man Si, are you trying to annoy me on purpose?" Old man Gu became unhappy, and stared at Mr. Si with big eyes.

"Okay, I'm willing to admit defeat. You've already lost, hurry up and cook, I'm hungry." Mr. Si urged, despising Mr. Gu's behavior that he couldn't afford to lose.

(End of this chapter)

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