ace warm marriage

Chapter 1422 1 Report

Chapter 1422 A Report ([-])
After breakfast, Mei Ruolan felt much better and gained strength.

So, she got off the bed and said to Si Mufeng, "Mufeng, I'm resting today, let's go shopping."

"Fine, I have nothing to do today." Si Mufeng agreed, and then went out with Mei Ruolan.

The two walked around all morning and had lunch outside before they separated.Simufeng went back to the mansion, and Mei Ruolan also went back to her own home.

When Si Mufeng returned to the mansion, he saw Mr. Si sitting in the living room without going to rest.

Seeing Si Mufeng come back, Mr. Si said, "You're back?"

His voice was a little weak, and Si Mufeng heard it all at once, and then asked, "Dad, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

"It's okay!" Mr. Si glanced at Si Mufeng, but what he thought about was the news he read in the newspaper this morning.

It was a local news story about a man and a woman who jumped off a building together to die in love.

As for the reason why the two jumped off the building, it was because the family objected to them being together.

The man's mother would not let the man marry the girl, because she is an only daughter, and her son is also an only child. After the two get married, they will have to raise four elderly people, and the pressure will be greater.Moreover, the girl's body looks soft and fleshy, and I am afraid that she will not be able to have children.

In addition, the condition of the girl's family is not very good, and the man's mother looks down on her, so she desperately opposes it.

But a man loves a girl very deeply, and he is unwilling to separate no matter what.In the end, they were so forced by their family that they had no other choice, so the two died in love by drinking medicine together in their own home.

This news touched Mr. Si a lot.Since ancient times, deep love does not live long, and people with deep love are generally short-lived.Then think of Si Mufeng's deep love for Mei Ruolan, even after so many years, he still only loves her.

He was thinking, if he objected, would Si Mufeng end his life like the man in the report.

Of course, he didn't quite believe it.After all, Si Mufeng is a soldier, he has his own responsibilities and beliefs, and he is also stronger than the man who died in love.He shouldn't give up life easily, but he was still a little worried.Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

What if Si Mufeng really can't think about it?
So, after seeing this report, he kept thinking about this matter in his heart, so he didn't go to rest at noon.

"Then why didn't you go to rest?" Si Mufeng sat down beside Mr. Si, and asked with concern.

He knew the old man's habits, he would take a rest after lunch every day.But today, what time is it, and the old man hasn't gone to rest yet.

"Can't sleep." Old Master Si glanced at Si Mufeng lightly, how could he be able to sleep if he had something on his mind.It is true that he has opinions on Mei Ruolan, but he also hopes that Si Mufeng will be happy.

It's just that he felt uncomfortable for him to agree to their marriage just like that.

"What's the matter, what can't be solved?" Si Mufeng didn't think too much, he didn't know that Mr. Si was because of his marriage with Mei Ruolan.

"Look for yourself." Old Master Si glanced at Si Mufeng, took out the newspaper on the side, and handed it to him.

"This is?" Si Mufeng looked at Mr. Si with puzzlement on his face.It wasn't until old man Si motioned him to read the newspaper that he lowered his head to read it.

After a general glance, he didn't find anything special, so he said, "This newspaper is fine."

"This!" Mr. Si pointed at the newspaper, pointing to the report on the man and woman who died in love.

(End of this chapter)

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