ace warm marriage

Chapter 1427 Si Lao Xin Xin

Chapter 1427 Si Lao Xin Xin ([-])
"Why is old man Xu so happy today?"

"Yeah, I've never seen old man Xu so happy."

"Who is the girl opposite old man Xu? Why does she look familiar?"

"Didn't you see that the girl came with Mr. Si? Probably someone from Mr. Si's family?"

"Isn't that old man Si's granddaughter-in-law?"

"Yeah, why didn't I recognize it?"

When the old people in the clubhouse saw Sheng Fenghua, they started talking about it.

"Old man Si's granddaughter-in-law? Let's go and say hello."

"Wait for me, I'll go too, I heard that she is a doctor, and she has good medical skills, go and see."

"It's not just good, I heard it's even better than expert doctors."


"Of course it's true."

"Then I'll have a look too."

After a while, there were several elderly people standing in front of Mr. Si's table.

Looking at these old people who suddenly came in front of them, Sheng Fenghua was puzzled.I don't know why they came here all of a sudden.

Mr. Si and Mr. Xu looked at these people, glanced at each other, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Old Si, Old Xu, we are here to find this little girl." The old people pointed to Sheng Fenghua and said with a smile.

Hearing what the old people said, Sheng Fenghua was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what these people were looking for him for, so he asked: "I wonder what the old people are looking for me for?"

"Girl, I heard you are a doctor?"

Sheng Fenghua glanced at the questioner and nodded.She already guessed the purpose of these people in her heart, but she didn't speak, but looked at Mr. Si.

He didn't know these people, but Mr. Si did.If these people were seeking medical treatment, they would only do so with the consent of Mr. Si.

When Mr. Si and Mr. Xu heard this, they naturally understood the purpose of their visit, so Mr. Si glanced at everyone and said, "It's true that my granddaughter-in-law is a doctor, but she is pregnant now and cannot be tired."

As soon as these words came out, these people were clearly rejected.

The old people naturally heard Mr. Si's refusal, but they finally had this opportunity to see Sheng Fenghua, so naturally they would not give up so easily.

Then, the other person spoke again and said, "I heard that your granddaughter-in-law has pills for nourishing the body, and the effect is good. I wonder if it's true?"

Mr. Si frowned, and was about to say something.However, Sheng Fenghua gave Mr. Si a wink, and said with a smile: "This old man, I have the pills, which are produced by our company. If the old man needs it, he can call Shengshi Sinopharm and ask about it. out of stock."

"Prosperous National Medicine?"

"That's right!"

"Then you tell us the phone number, and we will ask."

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua replied with a smile, and then wrote the number of Shengshi Guoyao Pharmacy to the old people.

After getting the phone, some old people left.Some stayed, and then sat aside, not planning to leave.

Mr. Si looked at it, a little displeased, but he didn't say anything.Then he turned his head and chatted with Mr. Xu.And the old man who stayed behind was secretly happy when he saw Mr. Si chatting with Mr. Xu, and then chatted with Sheng Fenghua.

However, Sheng Fenghua's speech was very measured, and he didn't reveal half a word of what should be said and what should not be said.

After chatting for a long time, the old man failed to make a cliché, and instead was clichéd. Finally, he had to give up and walk away.

(End of this chapter)

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