ace warm marriage

Chapter 1429 Si Lao Xin Xin

Chapter 1429 Si Lao Xin Xin ([-])
Back home, Ye Qingge was not there.After asking, I found out that they moved today.So, the two didn't stay at home too long, and went directly to their parents' new home.

Although they can't help much, they have to go and have a look.

When they arrived at the place where their parents lived, they had almost moved their things, and there was no room for the two of them to use their skills.

Seeing Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua, Ning Minglie and Ye Qingge were very happy and asked them to stay and have dinner together.

The two stayed and then sat down in the living room to talk to them.

"Dad, Mom, you moved today, why didn't you notify me?" Sheng Fenghua asked a little unhappy after sitting down.

She is their only daughter, but she has not received any news about their move, which makes her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Didn't we see that you are pregnant with a child and you are inconvenient? Besides, I tell you that you can't help. Besides, there is nothing to move at home. They are all new additions. At most, I put them in Just bring over your clothes or something."

"Dad, Mom, no matter what you say, you have to tell me. If Zhan Bei didn't come back today, if we didn't go home, we wouldn't even know that you moved."

"Okay, it's my parents' fault. If anything happens in the future, I will tell you in time, okay?" Ning Minglie saw that Sheng Fenghua was really angry, and took the initiative to admit his mistake.

Now Sheng Fenghua is pregnant with a child, so she can't be angry.

"I'll forgive you this time. If it happens again next time, I'll be really angry." Sheng Fenghua accepted it as soon as he saw it, and didn't say anything further.

In any case, it was for her consideration that her parents didn't tell her.

After chatting for a while, Ye Qingge saw that it was getting late, so he went to the kitchen to cook.Ever since Sheng Fenghua and the others moved to Villa No. 3 and hired servants, Ye Qingge never did anything else.

Originally Ning Minglie also wanted to hire a nanny here, but Ye Qingge disagreed, she said that she didn't have anything to do anyway, and it would be nice to cook at home.

Ning Minglie listened to her, so he didn't invite her.

Sheng Fenghua watched his mother cook, and then went to help in the kitchen.She can't do heavy work anymore, but she can still choose dishes and so on.

Thinking that the family hadn't eaten together for a long time, Ye Qingge planned to cook five or six dishes.Four meat and one vegetarian, and a soup.

Sheng Fenghua helped choose the dishes, but was driven out of the kitchen by Ye Qingge.She cooked all the rest of the dishes by herself.

Fortunately, Ye Qingge's hands and feet are quite nimble, and he was used to it before, so it didn't take long for him to cook the vegetables.

"It's time to eat, it's time to eat!" Ye Qingge quarreled over the dishes, and started calling for a few people to eat.The few people who were chatting stopped the topic, and then went into the kitchen to help Ye Qingge bring out the dishes.

Those who served the dishes served the dishes, and those who cooked the rice cooked rice. After all the food was put on the table, the last soup was also served by Ye Qingge, and then brought to the table.

"Fenghua, this is black-bone chicken and red date soup, drink more!" Ye Qingge put a large bowl full of soup in front of Sheng Fenghua.

"Thank you, Mom!" Sheng Fenghua thanked, then glanced at the table, and found that the soup that other people drank was different from hers.Only then did I realize that my mother had given herself a little treatment.

So, Sheng Fenghua thanked Ye Qingge again, then picked up the soup and drank it.

After dinner, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei chatted with their parents for a while before going home.

(End of this chapter)

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