ace warm marriage

Chapter 143 Magical Means

Chapter 143 Magical Means
In addition to the people in the emergency room, Dean Yang was also there.

Looking at this large group of people, Sheng Fenghua was a little dumbfounded. He walked up to Dean Yang and asked, "Dean Yang, who are you?"

"Girl, it's like this. They want to observe and learn from today's surgery. Look..."

Sheng Fenghua looked at Dean Yang, speechless.Now that everyone is here, can she drive them away?

"As long as it doesn't hinder my operation, I have no problem." Sheng Fenghua said lightly, then turned and went to the changing room to change.

Rumeng watched Sheng Fenghua come out after changing clothes, hesitated for a while, and finally came over, bowed deeply to her, and said: "Doctor Sheng, I'm sorry!"

Sheng Fenghua took a look at Rumeng, turned around and entered the operating room without saying anything.

The others watched Sheng Fenghua go in and followed suit.

Lying on the operating table, Liqin looked at Sheng Fenghua who was walking in front of her, and opened her mouth, wanting to apologize to her, but for some reason she couldn't say a word.

On the other hand, Sheng Fenghua, as if he knew what she wanted to say, said lightly: "If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. It's still helpful."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Liqin's relieved look, she directly ordered the anesthetist beside her, "Take anesthesia."

After a dose of anesthetic, Liqin quickly fell asleep.

Seeing the effect of the medicine, Sheng Fenghua began to operate.The hospital's facilities are not bad, but compared to her laboratory, they are much worse.

Fortunately, this operation looks a bit dangerous, but it is not. As long as the arteries are moved a little, there will be no problems.

Therefore, before the operation, Sheng Fenghua massaged several acupoints on the patient's body with special techniques to promote the displacement of blood vessels.

"Girl, what are you doing?" Dean Yang looked at her movements, a little puzzled.What do you do when you perform surgery and massage acupoints for patients?
Dean Yang's words echoed everyone's thoughts, and both eyes fell on Sheng Fenghua at the same time.

"Let the blood vessels move." Sheng Fenghua explained lightly, and then pressed a few more times before stopping, ready to start the operation.

"Can this move the blood vessels?" Dean Yang looked surprised. He had been a doctor all his life, and this was the first time he had heard of such a thing.

"Yes." Sheng Fenghua nodded, and did not intend to explain further.Her unique massage technique was learned from an old beggar.

Dean Yang still wanted to ask, but seeing that Sheng Fenghua had already started the operation, he could only swallow the question on his lips, planning to ask after the operation.

When the patient's abdominal cavity was opened, everyone was shocked to see that the blood vessels had shifted.

Sheng Fenghua didn't care what everyone thought, he was concentrating on the operation, cutting out the growths in the patient's body, and clipping them out.

One operation, it took about four hours to get it all done.

After suturing the patient's wound, Sheng Fenghua pressed a few acupuncture points again to return the blood vessels to their positions.After finishing this, she had someone push the patient out, then changed the surgical gown by herself, and sat on a chair beside her to rest.

Although after these few days of exercise, her physical fitness has improved, but she is still a little weak.After only four hours of surgery, she felt exhausted.

It seems that she still needs to exercise more.

Sheng Fenghua rested for a while, then got up and went to the ward to see the patient's condition.

After confirming that the patient's condition was stable and there were no complications, Sheng Fenghua was completely relieved, and then went back to Dean Yang's house to rest again.

(End of this chapter)

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