ace warm marriage

Chapter 1431 Agreeing to Marriage

Chapter 1431 Agreeing to Marriage ([-])

However, Master Wuyong generally does not make a move, unless it is someone he said is destined.

Of course, except for Mr. Si.The two are very good friends, although they seldom move around, but every time Mr. Si encounters any important matter, he will go to Master Wuyong to have a chat.

Mr. Si had just arrived at the monastery, before he entered the door, a young monk came out to welcome him, and said to him with a smile: "Master Si is here, Master has been waiting for a long time."

"Your master knows that I'm coming?" After Mr. Si asked, he immediately felt that he was asking nonsense.

Who is the master, how could he not know that he is coming?

Grandpa Si followed the young monk into the monastery and went to the Zen room where the master lived.As soon as he entered the room, he saw the master making tea.

"Monk Wuyong, long time no see, don't come here without any problems." Mr. Si immediately greeted the master as soon as he entered the meditation room.

"Here we come!" The master smiled faintly, and after watching Si Lao sit down, he handed him a cup of tea.

"Good tea!" Si Lao couldn't help praising him after taking a sip of tea.Everyone knows that Master Wuyong's Dharma is profound, but they don't know that he also cooks good tea.

What the master drank was grown in his own temple, and then he cooked the dishes himself.But this tea tasted much better than Dahongpao and the like.

"Bring some back later!" The master smiled and shared his tea with Mr. Si without hesitation.

"Okay, I'll bring more later." Mr. Si was not polite, and directly said to bring more.

The master didn't care. After putting down the teacup in his hand, he smiled and said to Mr. Si: "I already know the purpose of your visit today. Double happiness is coming, so I'm very happy. , is an auspicious day."

"Okay, listen to you!" Mr. Si laughed.The tenth day of the next month is one of the three days he has chosen, and it is the closest one.

After talking about business, the two talked about other things.Although Mr. Si is not a Buddhist, he has dabbled in and studied Buddhism, so he was able to talk with the master.This is also the reason why Master and Mr. Si can become friends.

The two chatted like this until it was dark, and even forgot to eat.

It wasn't until the little monk came to remind them that the two stopped talking and went to eat.After eating, it was already evening.The master left Mr. Si to stay in the monastery for one night.

In the evening, the two talked by candlelight, and they didn't go to rest until late at night.

The next day, Mr. Si had a fast meal in the temple before leaving.

Back home, Si Mufeng hadn't gone to work yet, and was waiting for him.Si Mufeng became happy when he saw the old man came back, his face was red and beaming, and he asked, "Dad, what did the master say?"

"The tenth day of next month, the day set by the master, hurry up and prepare, time is running out." After telling Si Mufeng the time, Mr. Si went back to the house.

He had to catch up on his sleep, he told the master too late yesterday, and he woke up early in the morning, this would be the time when he was sleepy.

"The tenth day of next month? All right, I'll go to schedule." After writing down the date, Si Mufeng went straight to work.On the way, he called Mei Ruolan and told her that the wedding date was fixed.

After hearing what Si Mufeng said, Mei Ruolan was a little surprised, and asked, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

She was thinking, on the tenth day of next month, when there are only 20 days left, they haven't prepared anything yet, will they be able to make it in time?
(End of this chapter)

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