ace warm marriage

Chapter 1436 Feng Lan Gets Married

Chapter 1436 Feng Lan Gets Married ([-])

She hopes that everyone can be happy, just like she and Si Zhanbei, Si Mufeng and Mei Ruolan.

As if sensing Sheng Fenghua's emotions, Si Zhanbei held Sheng Fenghua's hand tightly and said, "Daughter-in-law, we will be happier than them."

"Yeah!" Sheng Fenghua glanced at Si Zhanbei, laughed, and leaned his head on his shoulder.

After Si Mufeng's wedding was over, Mr. Si let go of his last concern, and he seemed to be aging.

He made an appointment with a few old friends and traveled around.He said he wanted to have fun while Sheng Fenghua hadn't given birth, and when she gave birth, he couldn't even think about it.Because there are two little babies who need his care.

No one in the Si family objected to the old man's decision.He has worked hard for his children all his life, and now that his children and grandchildren are happy, he should go out for a walk and relax.

It's been two months since the old man left, and Sheng Fenghua doesn't have to go back to the mansion anymore.Whenever she has time, she and Mei Ruolan get together to chat about children, beauty care, and topics of interest among women.

Now that Mei Ruolan's belly is getting bigger, Si Mufeng won't let her go to work anymore, she and Sheng Fenghua can just be companions.

Since Sheng Fenghua's house was relatively close to Si Mufeng's work place, Mei Ruolan simply lived in Sheng Fenghua's house, and did not return to her own home until Si Zhanbei came back on Saturday.

At that time, Si Mufeng also came back, just in time for the two of them to live together.Oh no, it should be a three-person world.

Originally, Si Zhanbei was still a little worried about Sheng Fenghua, worried that she would be bored if Mr. Si went out.Now seeing that Mei Ruolan is with her every day, she feels relieved a lot.

Time passed quickly, and Sheng Fenghua's due date was about to arrive, and Mr. Si, who had gone on a trip, also came back.

He brought gifts for everyone, even the babies in their wombs.

It was rare that Mr. Si came back, and it was Saturday again, so after discussing it with everyone, we decided to have a family dinner.

This time the dinner party did not go to an outside hotel, but was placed directly in the Si family's mansion, and an outside chef was invited to cook.

In the afternoon of that day, the members of the Si family returned to the mansion one after another.The first one to arrive was Si Muyuan. Speaking of which, since she was pregnant with the child, she never went back to the mansion.So it's almost four months.

This time, Zhong Zhiyun came with her.Since she was pregnant with the child, Zhong Zhiyun also took a rest, broke up with the third party outside, and devoted himself to guarding Si Muyuan.

I don't know if it's because of the pregnancy, but Si Muxu's temper has improved a lot.It is no longer the same as before, loves to play the young lady's temper at every turn, and does not make trouble for no reason.

Such Si Muyuan made Zhong Zhiyun like her more and more.In addition, the two elders of the Zhong family liked the child in Si Muyuan's womb, so Zhong Zhiyun dared not treat Si Muyuan badly.

Not long after Si Muyuan arrived, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei also arrived.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua, it was rare for Si Muyuan to take the initiative to go forward, shouting: "Be careful of your feet."

On the other hand, I want to help her.

However, she is pregnant herself, who would dare to let her help her.So, before she got close to Sheng Fenghua, Zhong Zhiyun grabbed her and said, "Honey, you are pregnant with a child yourself, so be careful."

After listening to Zhong Zhiyun's words, Si Muyuan glared at him, and said coquettishly, "I'm still young this month, so I'm fine."

"Then you have to be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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