ace warm marriage

Chapter 1441 A family reunion

Chapter 1441 Family Reunion ([-])
Children can be taught!

Si Muyuan ate with great relish, but Zhong Zhiyun suffered a lot. She was not full yet, so she served all of them to Si Muyuan.

Fortunately, Si Muyuan was full soon.Only then did he have time to continue eating.

As for Si Zhanbei and Si Mufeng, they spent the whole night serving their daughter-in-law, and they didn't eat anything at all.

In the end, the daughter-in-law was full, so she just ate a few mouthfuls.Seeing the performance of his son and grandson, Mr. Si was extremely satisfied.

After eating, everyone moved to the living room again, ready to chat or something.

Before he got to the sofa, Sheng Fenghua's stomach suddenly ached.She stopped abruptly, and her face became ugly.

"Daughter-in-law, what's wrong with you?" Si Zhanbei saw Sheng Fenghua's ugly face, worried and nervous.

"I have a stomach ache!"

With Sheng Fenghua's words, Si Zhanbei's expression changed again.

"What, my stomach hurts, is it about to give birth?" Mr. Si asked immediately after hearing this.

"I don't know!" Sheng Fenghua had no experience, so he didn't know if he was about to give birth.At this time, among the people present, only Wang Meiyu had given birth to a child.

She was in a bad mood after being scolded by Si Zhanbei before.Then he heard Sheng Fenghua say that his stomach hurts, but he didn't come forward.

"Quick, send to the hospital!" Mei Ruolan looked at Si Zhanbei and Bao Sheng Fenghua, and immediately reminded her.

"Yes, yes, yes, send to the hospital!" Everyone came to their senses, and hurriedly carried Sheng Fenghua into the car, and then went to the hospital.

There was a hospital near Si's house, and when Si Zhanbei sent him to the hospital, Sheng Fenghua's amniotic fluid broke, and a whole truckload of water flowed out.

When the doctor in the hospital heard that the amniotic fluid had broken, he became anxious and said, "Quickly, send it to the operating room!"

Sheng Fenghua was quickly sent to the operating room, and Si Zhanbei wanted to follow him in, but the doctor refused to let him.Looking at the doctor who was blocking him, Si Zhanbei's expression darkened, and he said, "My wife is giving birth inside, and I want to go in to accompany her."

The doctor didn't know if he was frightened by Si Zhanbei, or because he said that he was the husband of the pregnant woman, so he didn't block him anymore, but he took a white coat from the side and threw it into his hand, saying: " Put it on!"

As soon as Si Zhanbei entered the operating room, he heard a doctor say: "The mother has dystocia, and a caesarean section is required, and the family members are required to sign."

"I, I'm a family member, I'll sign!" Si Zhanbei panicked when he heard this, his voice trembled.He had heard others say that giving birth to a woman is like going through the gate of hell, and if she does something wrong, she will lose her life.

So, he was worried and scared.But I also know that this word has to be signed.

"Sign here!" The doctor handed the operation sheet to Si Zhanbei and asked him to sign.Usually the name is written quite neatly, but this time Si Zhanbei wrote it with a pause.

Seeing that Si Zhanbei's hands were shaking all the time, the doctor couldn't help comforting him, "Don't worry, it's just a minor operation. I believe your wife and children will be fine."

I don't know if the doctor's reassurance played a role, but Si Zhanbei finished writing the last character Bei.

Si Zhanbei signed, and the doctor immediately performed the operation.And he was standing by the side, accompanying Sheng Fenghua.

When the doctor's knife landed on Sheng Fenghua's stomach, Si Zhanbei became nervous, his whole aura changed, looking at the doctor and the knife in his hand, he looked like Shura.

Seeing him like this, the doctor's knife couldn't cut through at all.He raised and rowed down, tried a few times but was shocked by Si Zhanbei's aura.

(End of this chapter)

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