ace warm marriage

Chapter 1446 Baby Arrives

Chapter 1446 Baby Arrives ([-])

Sheng Fenghua is a doctor himself, so he naturally knows this truth.

Ye Qingge and Ning Minglie lived in the hotel next to the hospital, and they also got up early in the morning and brought some food outside.

Ye Qingge didn't quite know that Sheng Fenghua couldn't eat, so he brought a lot of things.Smelling the smell of food, Sheng Fenghua became more and more hungry, but unfortunately he could see and smell, but couldn't eat.

In the end, Si Zhanbei was afraid that she would get hungry, so he took the breakfast outside.I solved it in a few strokes, and then asked the doctor how to let Sheng Fenghua breathe and eat as soon as possible.

When he heard that the radish soup was effective, he immediately called Ning Ruiyu and asked him to send some radish soup.

But I didn't want to, just after hanging up the phone, I smelled carrot soup.Looking back, Grandpa Ning and Grandma Ning came over.

Grandpa Ning held a soup stick in his hand, which was carrot soup.

"Grandpa Ning, Grandma Ning, you are here." Si Zhanbei greeted the two elders, and then accompanied them into the ward.

In the room, Ye Qingge was talking with Sheng Fenghua, and Ning Minglie was on the sidelines, making a few remarks from time to time.

When the two old people came in, Sheng Fenghua's eyes suddenly brightened when he smelled the radish.

"Grandpa and grandma, why did you come so early?" Sheng Fenghua looked at the second elder and asked with a smile.Seeing the two old men, Ye Qingge and Ning Minglie also stood up and said hello.

"Your dad and I are here to take care of Fenghua, what are you going to do?" Grandma Ning said with a smile as she glanced at her son and daughter-in-law.

Although they are old, they can still take care of themselves.

"Dad, Mom, how can I let you take care of me? It's enough for me, Qing Ge and Zhan Bei to take care of me. You should go home and rest for a while. You slept so late yesterday, so you need to sleep a little longer today to catch up on sleep." .”

"It's okay, we're not sleepy, what are we going to do when we go back?" Mr. Ning waved his hand, and then put the soup on the side cabinet.

"Fenghua, do you feel better? Grandma has someone cook radish rib soup, you drink some. This soup will help you breathe."

"Thank you, grandma!" Sheng Fenghua thanked Grandma Ning, and asked Si Zhanbei to call Tang.

Originally, Grandma Ning wanted to do something, but how could Si Zhanbei let her do it.He grabbed the job directly and made a bowl of soup.

He fed the soup to Sheng Fenghua and finished it, then put down the bowl, and then talked with a few people for a while.I don't know if it's the effect of the soup, but after a while Sheng Fenghua breathed out.

As soon as she took a breath, Si Zhanbei was overjoyed.Then he took out his phone and asked someone to deliver food.

After a while, Ning Ruiyu came over with something to eat.Smelling the smell of food, Sheng Fenghua whetted his appetite.

However, Si Zhanbei didn't let her eat more, for fear that she would be full.

After Sheng Fenghua had dinner, Si Zhanbei's brothers all rushed over after getting the news.Along with them, there are adults in their family, such as Mr. Xu and the others.

Even the first lady came in person, which made Sheng Fenghua a little flattered.The other people who got the news, those who were far away called, and those who were near the road came to visit one by one in person.

With so many people here, Sheng Fenghua had a headache.Fortunately, she is a patient now, so she doesn't need to be greeted, and she is handed over to Si Zhanbei and the others.

But even so, after a whole morning, she was a little out of spirits, so she fell asleep as soon as the person left.

(End of this chapter)

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