ace warm marriage

Chapter 1464 Heading to Kure City

Chapter 1464 Going to Kure City ([-])

Seeing the brothers who were not in a good mood, he asked with a smile, "What's the matter with you? The task is completed, shouldn't you be happy?"

"Captain, we want to make a phone call, can we?" A brother stood up and said.

Hearing this, Si Zhanbei immediately understood why everyone was unhappy.

"Not yet." Si Zhanbei said flatly.Then he stopped explaining to everyone, but took out his phone and called Commissar Yang in front of everyone.

When Political Commissar Yang received a call from Si Zhanbei, he jumped up from his chair and asked excitedly, "Zhanbei, Zhanbei, is that you? Is it really you?"

"Political commissar, it's me!"

"Are you all right?"

"Political commissar, don't worry, we are fine." Si Zhanbei replied seriously.

"It's fine, it's fine. You don't know, when I heard about your accident, I didn't know how painful it was."

"Political commissar, I'm sorry I didn't contact you in time, which made you worry." Si Zhanbei apologized sincerely to political commissar Yang.

Although, he was doing it for the mission, but it was his fault for worrying his superiors.

"As long as you're okay." Commissar Yang didn't care. In his eyes, nothing was more important than Si Zhanbei's safety.

"Political commissar, don't worry, we are all fine. However, I have a situation that needs to be reported to you."

"What's the situation, tell me!" Commissar Yang heard the seriousness in Si Zhanbei's tone, and immediately looked at it squarely.

"Political commissar, it's like this. I suspect that something went wrong with us internally and betrayed our whereabouts."

As soon as this remark came out, not only Commissar Yang was surprised, but the brothers present were even more surprised. They stared blankly at Si Zhanbei, not understanding why he would say such a thing.

"What did you say? Say it again." The matter was so important that Commissar Yang had to ask Si Zhanbei to repeat it again.After all, the special operations team is an elite force, not to mention that each of them can block a hundred with one, but it is still possible to block ten.

Once there is a problem among them, it will affect the whole body.

"There is a traitor among us." Si Zhanbei said very bluntly, and Commissar Yang was silent for a moment before reminding him: "Zhanbei, everything must be proved, otherwise you will chill the hearts of the brothers."

"Political Commissar, I have no direct evidence. However, you should have."

"What do you mean?" Political Commissar Yang asked, puzzled.

"Political commissar, these few days I kept my brothers silent, and I haven't contacted the outside world. Think about it, is there someone from the special forces contacting you to say that something happened to us?"

"You, how do you know?" Commissar Yang was surprised.At the beginning, he didn't really believe that something happened to Si Zhanbei and the others, but it was the special forces members who gave him the news, so he had to believe it.

According to Si Zhanbei's intention, the person who called him was a traitor.

But how is this possible?When conscription, the review of family status is very strict.Otherwise, you won't be able to enter the army at all, let alone the special forces.

"Commissioner Yang, we really almost wiped out our entire army this time."

"Now, although the entire army has not been wiped out, several comrades in arms have still been sacrificed. If it weren't for the traitor's betrayal, they would not have to sacrifice."

Hearing this, Commissar Yang fell silent.Although sacrifice is unavoidable, if the casualties are caused by internal rape, the nature is different.

"I see." After a while, Commissar Yang said a word.He didn't give Si Zhanbei a clear answer, but he will definitely check it out.Si Zhanbei had no doubts about this.

(End of this chapter)

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