ace warm marriage

Chapter 1469 Meet at the bottom of the cliff

Chapter 1469 Meeting at the Bottom of the Cliff ([-])

If Sheng Fenghua is an eagle, it can only soar in the sky.

He couldn't bear to break her wings.

"The babies are very good." Hearing this, Sheng Fenghua felt better.Si Zhanbei did not refuse, she was very happy.

"Yes, the babies are good, but the parents and grandpa are old after all. And it is very tiring to take care of the children. I am worried about their health."

Sheng Fenghua was silent.She suddenly felt a little selfish.It is really tiring to take care of the baby, especially when I wake up at night to feed the baby, I am often sleepy.

If you leave your children to their parents, they will be the ones who are tired.

After thinking about it, Sheng Fenghua said to Si Zhanbei: "Zhanbei, why don't we find two nannies?"

"Alright!" Si Zhanbei thought for a while and agreed.If you find a nanny to take care of the children, it will be easier for a few elderly people.

However, after all, this nanny has to be with the children for a long time, so he must find someone with a good character.

The arrangement of the child, the couple reached an agreement.The rest is for Sheng Fenghua to return to the team.

Si Zhanbei actually wanted Sheng Fenghua to work in the military hospital, but Sheng Fenghua didn't want to, so he had to go back to the Special Forces.

In the end, Si Zhanbei had no choice but to give her a difficult problem, that is, she had to go through a competition, and only if her physical fitness and various skills passed the test would she be allowed to return to the team.

Although Si Zhanbei didn't immediately agree, but given her a chance, Sheng Fenghua didn't say much.Just let Si Zhanbei wait and see, she will definitely return to the Special Forces.

Si Zhanbei passed this test, Sheng Fenghua was relieved, and planned to talk to Political Commissar Yang.

However, when he got to Political Commissar Yang, he got stuck again.Commissar Yang only said one thing, that is, let Sheng Fenghua convince Mr. Si first.

If Mr. Si agrees, then he agrees.

When Sheng Fenghua heard this, he was in a bad mood.I thought that as long as Si Zhanbei agreed, Commissar Yang would agree.

But he didn't want to, he moved out of Mr. Si again.This is obviously embarrassing her.Even if Sheng Fenghua didn't tell Mr. Si, she knew he would never agree.

"Political commissar, can you be accommodating?" Sheng Fenghua couldn't help but begged Commissar Yang.

It's a pity that this time, Commissar Yang didn't want to let go at all. It was still the same sentence, that is, as long as Mr. Si agrees, his side is not a problem.

Unable to convince Commissar Yang, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to return to the family building in disappointment.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua's listless look, Si Zhanbei felt distressed, and said, "Daughter-in-law, why don't I accompany you back to City B, and we can persuade Grandpa together?"

"No, grandpa won't agree." Sheng Fenghua shook his head.She understands old man Si's temper, and she will never agree to her going to the Special Forces again.

If she wanted to come back, the best place to go was the military hospital.

To be honest, she didn't want to go to the hospital.The nine-to-five, commute to and from work days are not attractive to her at all.

She just wants to do something that ignites her passion and makes her blood boil.

"Then what should we do?" Si Zhanbei also knew in his heart that Sheng Fenghua was right, and Mr. Si would not agree.Because, before he wanted to be a soldier, the old man didn't agree.

Later, he quietly signed up and entered the barracks, making the old man so angry that he wanted to sever ties with him.

If it wasn't for Sheng Fenghua, his relationship with the old man would probably not be good now.

"I don't know either." Sheng Fenghua was a little annoyed, and lost his mind for a moment.The old man treated her well, and she couldn't bear to break his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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