Chapter 147
"Brother, why don't we run away." The fifth child suggested in a low voice, a little timidly.

"Escape, how do you escape? There are people at the front and back. If you want me to say, we might as well fight them." The fourth child has a bad temper and is impulsive, so he was about to rush out with a gun.Fortunately, the boss stopped him in time and said, "You are going to die like this."

"Brother, what do you think we should do?" The fourth child looked at the boss with a look of reluctance.

"Wait!" The eldest brother said in a deep voice, they have helpers.The other party should have heard the commotion here, as long as they persist and wait for helpers to arrive, then it's time to fight back.

The boss had a good idea, but unfortunately he miscalculated the speed of Si Zhanbei and others.

Under the cover of bullets, the encirclement was shrinking little by little, until at the end, five people were surrounded.

"Put down your weapon and raise your hands." Si Zhanbei appeared and looked at the five criminals coldly.

"Brother, what should we do?" The second, third, fourth, and fifth looked at the boss together, waiting for him to make a decision.

Now, they are surrounded, and it is impossible to rush out unless they fight to the death.But if they don't fight, they will be dead sooner or later after they are captured.

"Fight!" The eldest brother said after pondering for a while.The reinforcements haven't come yet, if they just get caught without a fight, there must be a dead end.

And if you fight hard, you may still have a chance of survival.

"Okay, let's fight." When the brothers heard the boss's words, they immediately joined forces.

"Attention everyone, they are going to counterattack." Si Zhanbei fired first while telling his comrades.As soon as the gunshot rang, the gun in the eldest brother's hand fell to the ground, and a blood hole was exposed on his wrist.

"Brother, are you okay?" Seeing that the eldest brother was injured, the brothers immediately surrounded him.

"It's okay." The boss shook his head, his face a little ugly.He knew that the other party was giving him a warning. If he insisted on going his own way, the bullet would not hit his hand, but his head.

"I'll say it again, put down your weapon and raise your hands to surrender." Si Zhanbei looked at the five people coldly and said again.

"Don't even think about it!" Hearing the words, the fourth child roared angrily, and raised his gun to hit Si Zhanbei.It's a pity that his gun was fast, but it was not as fast as Si Zhanbei's. Before the gun in his hand was raised, he shot one shot in his left hand, followed by another shot in his right hand.

His hands were injured, looking at the gun that fell on the ground, a look of despair flashed in the eyes of the fourth child.

Si Zhanbei wounded again, and successfully deterred the remaining criminals. They got scared, and slowly squatted down, putting down their guns.

Seeing that the other party had compromised, Si Zhanbei gestured to the brothers behind him, and someone immediately stepped forward to subdue the five criminals and handed over the other party's weapons.

"Close the team!"

Hearing Si Zhanbei's voice, Hu Dongyang led his brothers to meet them quickly, and then planned to return with the five criminals.

However, just as Hu Dongyang and the others walked up to Si Zhanbei, a gunshot suddenly came from behind.

"Captain, be careful!"

Immediately afterwards, the comrades around him fell down.

The moment they heard the gunshot, the criminals were excited, but Si Zhanbei and the others turned ugly.They never thought that these crimes would have helpers.

Damn it, they were careless.

"Hidden!" Si Zhanbei said, picked up the injured comrade and found a bunker.

(End of this chapter)

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