ace warm marriage

Chapter 1481 Shengshi Hospital

Chapter 1481 Shengshi Hospital (12)

After dinner, it was already very late.In order for Mr. Si to rest earlier, Sheng Fenghua gave him a pill for digestion.

After taking the pills, the old man went to rest.Sheng Fenghua also returned to his bunk, and took the two children into the space to rest.

A good night's sleep.

Early the next morning, Sheng Fenghua woke up, took the children out of the space, asked Butler Wang to take care of them, and went to wash up by himself.

After washing, Sheng Fenghua took out a few boxes of milk from the luggage, heated them with boiling water, and handed them to Mr. Si and Butler Wang respectively.

This is the breakfast milk she specially prepared.

Of course, there is also milk on this train, but it will definitely taste worse than the ones brought at home.I bring my own milk, but other breakfasts can only be eaten on the train.

Originally, Sheng Fenghua also wanted to call to make an order like last night.But Mr. Si didn't let him go, he said he would just have a meal, and he would be able to get off the car in a short time, so he didn't need to bother so much, he just had a meal and had a good meal after getting off the car.

The old man spoke, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to give up.

The dining car brought steamed stuffed buns and oily food, and several people just ate them.After breakfast, the old man was in good spirits. He sat up and looked at the scenery outside through the car window.

While admiring the scenery, he recalled the past.This time, he didn't tell Sheng Fenghua and Wang Butler again.

Seeing the old man immersed in his own thoughts, Sheng Fenghua didn't bother him either.Instead, he played with the babies on the sidelines.

Speaking of which, the babies are really well behaved.On this road, there is no noise or noise, which is very worry-free.

Mr. Si looked at the scenery outside the window for a while, his eyes got tired, so he looked away, and then played with the children.

With Mr. Si joining in, the children had even more fun.However, they soon got tired too, and dropped off the two grown-ups and fell asleep.

Looking at the babies who fell asleep while playing, Sheng Fenghua smiled, and then carefully straightened their bodies so that they could sleep more comfortably.

After finishing the child, Sheng Fenghua looked at Mr. Si and asked, "Grandpa, you only arrive in City A in two hours, do you want to take a rest?"

"No, no, I'm not sleepy." The old man waved his hand and started talking to Sheng Fenghua.

This time he came to City A with Sheng Fenghua as a temporary decision. He was a little worried that his family would not be able to accommodate him, so he asked, "Fenghua, are we staying in the army or in the city this time?"

"Grandpa, it depends on Zhanbei's arrangements. But I guess there is a high possibility that he will live in the army. After all, this way, he will be closer to Zhanbei, and he can see the children as soon as he returns home."

"Well, how big is the army's house, can it accommodate us?" Mr. Si asked worriedly.He knew the regulations of the army. For those at Si Zhanbei's level, the house would not be too big, and it would be enough to accommodate their young couple and one child.

But now, they suddenly had three more people, and Mr. Si was a little worried that they would not be able to accommodate them.

After hearing this, Sheng Fenghua immediately understood the old man's worry.So he laughed and said, "Grandpa, don't worry. Zhanbei knew we were coming, so he specially applied for a bigger house. Besides, even if the troops can't accommodate us, we can live in the city. We have houses in the city , the space is quite large, and we will have no problem staying there.”

"It's good if you can stay here." The old man smiled and felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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