ace warm marriage

Chapter 1484 Shengshi Hospital

Chapter 1484 Shengshi Hospital (15)

Seeing that Mr. Si was about to go out, Si Zhanbei smiled and said to him: "Grandpa, dinner is now."

"I'll just walk around the door." After finishing his speech, Mr. Si went out.He walked in the yard for a while, then went back to the house.

After Si Zhanbei put the dishes on a plate and put them on the table, he went into the bedroom to call Sheng Fenghua.

After sleeping for a while, Sheng Fenghua was not so tired.Hearing someone entering the house, he opened his eyes.Seeing that it was Si Zhanbei, he laughed.

She got up from the bed, washed up briefly, and then called Mr. Si who was sitting on the sofa to have dinner with Butler Wang.

"Grandpa, let's take a break at noon today, and I'll cook something delicious for you tonight." Sheng Fenghua said with a smile because he was afraid that Mr. Si would not be used to the food in the cafeteria.

"It's okay!" Mr. Si waved his hand indifferently.He knew that Sheng Fenghua was also tired, so he didn't have any complaints about her not cooking.

The big pot dishes in the cafeteria are naturally not as delicious as those fried by themselves.So Si Zhanbei didn't fight too much, but played some of everything.

Four people ate, but all six dishes were eaten.After dinner, Si Zhanbei took the initiative to wash the dishes, and then talked with Mr. Si.

Sheng Fenghua took the time to look at the contents of the refrigerator and saw that there was enough food for dinner, and then he was relieved.Otherwise, she would have to go to Jishang or go to a nearby village to buy some vegetables.

But obviously, Si Zhanbei had already prepared things.

Mr. Si took a nap before, so he didn't feel sleepy after eating. After talking with Si Zhanbei for a while, he took Steward Wang out for a walk.

But sister-in-law Yue came over again after lunch.When he learned that the children were still sleeping, he felt a little regretful, sat and talked with Sheng Fenghua for a while, and then went back.

After sister-in-law Yue left, Sheng Fenghua went back to sleep for a few hours.As for the child, it was completely handed over to Si Zhanbei.

Fortunately, Si Zhanbei took a day off and didn't have to go to work. He spent the whole afternoon with his children.

Sheng Fenghua didn't wake up until four o'clock, and then began to prepare dinner for the evening.Seeing that there were too many dishes, she discussed with Si Zhanbei and planned to invite Political Commissar Yang and Sister-in-law Yue to eat at home in the evening.

Regarding this, Si Zhanbei has no objection.Commissar Yang helped to apply for this yard, so he should treat him to a meal and thank him.

Sheng Fenghua was cooking at home, and Si Zhanbei personally went to Commissar Yang's office to invite him to dinner at home in the evening.

When Political Commissar Yang heard that Si Zhanbei was going to invite him to dinner, he was very happy.He never gets tired of Sheng Fenghua's fried dishes.

Political Commissar Yang was invited, and Si Zhanbei went to invite Qin Feng as well.Anyway, Qin Feng is also his brother, and today he went to pick up Sheng Fenghua and the others with him.

As for sister-in-law Yue, Sheng Fenghua didn't need to shout, she just came over.Of course, she is not a prophet, but came to see the children.

When Sheng Fenghua saw Sister-in-law Yue coming, he told her directly about having dinner at home tonight.Sister-in-law Yue didn't refuse. Seeing Mr. Si playing with the children, she went into the kitchen to help.

The two of them started working together, and the speed was naturally much faster. After five o'clock, the food was ready, and they were waiting for Political Commissar Yang and the others to get off work.

Fortunately, it didn't take long. A few minutes later, Political Commissar Yang came over with a bottle of wine.

Commissar Yang entered the room, greeted Mr. Si first, and then sat down to chat with him.

(End of this chapter)

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