ace warm marriage

Chapter 1486 Shengshi Hospital

Chapter 1486 Shengshi Hospital (17)

Naturally, Mr. Si would not refuse, he followed over to help Sheng Fenghua look after the children.

Sheng Fenghua took a bag and went out, intending to take the army's procurement vehicle to Jishang.No, on the way, I ran into Sister-in-law Yue.So talking and laughing all the way, got on the shopping cart.

At the market, Sheng Fenghua bought a lot of vegetables, and both hands were full.Seeing her buying so many vegetables, Sister-in-law Yue was a little surprised, and asked, "Fenghua, you bought so many vegetables, can you finish them all?"

"Sister-in-law, I have a lot of family members. These dishes are only enough for one day. If it's not that I can't carry them, I would like to buy more."

"Isn't your family just one more person than my family?" Sister-in-law Yue's family has three people, and Sheng Fenghua's family now only has four people at most, and they can buy three or four times as many vegetables as hers. Even ten people probably wouldn't be able to eat them all.

"Everyone in my family can eat it." Sheng Fenghua smiled, and every time she cooks, she eats more of this dish.That's why she deliberately bought more, otherwise she was afraid that there would not be enough food.

After hearing Sheng Fenghua's words and thinking of her cooking skills, Sister-in-law Yue didn't say anything else.

The two left the market and returned home in the army's procurement vehicle.As soon as Sheng Fenghua entered the courtyard, he heard the cry of the child.

When he entered the room, he saw that Mr. Si and Butler Wang were coaxing the child.But the two were still crying hard.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with them?" Sheng Fenghua put the things in the kitchen, and then walked up to them.

"I don't know, they started crying all of a sudden." Although Mr. Si helped Sheng Fenghua take care of the children before, there were too many people at that time.

But now, when he takes care of the children himself, he doesn't understand why they cry at all.

"Are they hungry?" Sheng Fenghua thought the child was hungry, so he cried.But he didn't want to, Mr. Si said, "I just made milk powder for them to drink, but they still cried after drinking it."

Hearing this, Sheng Fenghua frowned, then picked up the children.As soon as she picked up the babies, she understood why they were crying.It turned out that they were crying because they urinated and felt uncomfortable.

So she hurried back to the room with the baby in her arms and changed their diapers.

After putting on a clean diaper, the baby finally stopped crying.Seeing that the children stopped crying, Mr. Si felt relieved and asked Sheng Fenghua, "What's the matter? Why did they stop crying when you came back?"

"Grandpa, the children urinate and feel uncomfortable."

"So that's how it is." Hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, the old man understood.In the past, he helped take care of the children. Because of Ye Qingge and the others, he never changed the diapers for the children.

Therefore, when the child cried today, he only thought that the child was hungry, but he never thought about whether they had peed.

The children were nappy changed, fed again, comfortable and fell asleep quickly.

Seeing the children sleeping, Sheng Fenghua put the clothes in the washing machine, washed the diapers, and then went to prepare lunch.

At twelve noon, Si Zhanbei came back, accompanied by Political Commissar Yang.When Political Commissar Yang passed by Si Zhanbei's house, he smelled the smell of food and couldn't walk any longer. He said to Si Zhanbei, "Zhanbei, today is thanks to your wife. Just in time, I'll go thank her!"

Si Zhanbei saw that Commissar Yang was clearly greedy for his family's food, but he found an excuse in a serious manner, couldn't help laughing, and said, "Commissioner Yang, I will return your thanks. My sister-in-law is waiting for you at home for dinner. , don't go back late."

(End of this chapter)

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