ace warm marriage

Chapter 1491 Shengshi Hospital

Chapter 1491 Shengshi Hospital (22)

Sheng Fenghua stayed in the army for another five days, until the day Shengshi Hospital opened, and then took the children to the city early.

Si Zhanbei was afraid that Sheng Fenghua would not be able to handle the two children by himself, so he specially asked for a day off to accompany her.

Dayong is still their driver, but because he has two children, he deliberately changed to a bigger car.

"Sister-in-law, should we go to Shengshi Company first, or go directly to the hospital?" Dayong asked as soon as he entered the city.

There are two different paths to Shengshi Hospital and Shengshi Company.Shengshi Hospital is in a remote place, but the traffic is quite convenient.

The reason for choosing such a place is also because the air there is good, and it is also close to the forest park, which is conducive to the recovery and recovery of patients.

"Let's go to the hospital." Sheng Fenghua said with a smile.Although it is still early to go to the hospital, they can go to the park for a while.

Speaking of which, she has spent a lot of time in this city A, but she rarely goes around the neighborhood.Today, it is a rare opportunity. My husband and children are by my side. It is also a good choice to go for a walk in the park.

"Okay!" Dayong replied, and then drove the car towards the hospital.

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the gate of the hospital.Sheng Fenghua looked at the many people who came early in the morning, with a smile on his face.

Of course, she knew that many people came for those experts and professors.Today, except for Professor Mei who is busy, other professors will be present.

Since today is the first day of opening of the hospital, Sheng Fenghua specially organized a campaign, that is, all expert accounts are free.

Of course, in order not to tire several professors, each professor only sees fifty patients.

For this reason, people came to the hospital early and queued up to receive the number of experts.

"There are so many people!" Dayong looked at the long line of people and said with emotion.More people see a doctor, which is a good thing for a hospital.

"It opened today, and many people came for the free expert account. After today, there will be fewer people." Sheng Fenghua said with a smile.

She knew very well why these people came here today.

Si Zhanbei turned his gaze away from the people queuing up in the hospital.In any case, it is a good thing that more people come to the opening to increase popularity.

However, he didn't want to go to the hospital so soon, so he said to Sheng Fenghua: "Daughter-in-law, it's not time yet, should we go in, or take a stroll around?"

"Let's go, let's go to the forest park first."


"I'll take you there." Dayong said, and was about to start the car.Unexpectedly, Sheng Fenghua waved his hand and said, "No need, we are so close, we can just walk."

Hearing what Sheng Fenghua said, Dayong didn't insist.He locked the car, then followed Sheng Fenghua and the others to the forest park.

The hospital is really close to the forest park, just turn a corner.All told, it's only a 10-minute journey at most.

It was only past seven o'clock, but there were quite a few people in the park.Most of them are middle-aged and elderly people, and they do morning exercises in the park.

Si Zhanbei pushed the child, Sheng Fenghua accompanied him, and Dayong followed him. The group strolled in the park while admiring various morning exercises.There are those who run, those who do boxing, those who do Tai Chi, and those who kick shuttlecock.

The park is very large, and the group walked for half an hour without even visiting a third of it.Seeing that it was almost eight o'clock, Sheng Fenghua said to Si Zhanbei: "Zhanbei, let's go back."

(End of this chapter)

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