ace warm marriage

Chapter 1494 Someone Makes Trouble

Chapter 1494 Someone Makes Trouble ([-])

Sheng Fenghua did not refuse, and distributed some dumplings to Mr. Si.

Don't look at the old man's age, he is a good hand at making dumplings.I saw him put the stuffing in place, and with a squeeze of both hands, a round dumpling was ready.

The dumpling was wrapped very nicely, it looked like an ingot at first glance, so cute.

"Grandpa, are you making ingots?" Sheng Fenghua looked at the dumplings wrapped in Mr. Si's hand with surprise, and wished he had made them himself.

Although she can make dumplings, the dumplings she makes are not as good-looking as the old man's.

"Does it look like it?" The old man laughed. He hasn't made dumplings for a long time.I thought I had forgotten how to pack it, but once I got started, it came out.

"Like, it's too similar." Sheng Fenghua's admiration made the old man feel happy, and then he taught Sheng Fenghua to make Yuanbao dumplings.

Si Zhanbei didn't speak, but he was also learning from the sidelines.He didn't know it at all before, but now he wants to study hard.

He felt that if he learned how to make dumplings, Sheng Fenghua would be able to relax and not be so tired in the future.

Steward Wang will also pack some, but not as well as Mr. Si.Still, it was passable.The four of them worked together and quickly wrapped the dumplings.

Sheng Fenghua brought the dumplings into the kitchen and put them in the pot.When she was cooking, she deliberately counted, and there were 120 dumplings in total.

Counting it down, each person can have thirty, which should be enough to eat.

After the dumplings were cooked, Sheng Fenghua put them on a plate and took them out.Since one pot couldn't be finished, she asked the old man to eat first, and she stayed at the end.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua busy in the kitchen, Si Zhanbei also turned around and entered the kitchen.

When the second pot of dumplings came out, he helped Sheng Fenghua take it out, and then sat down to eat with her.By this time, Mr. Si had almost finished eating.

"Grandpa, are you full? I have some more here." Sheng Fenghua asked with a smile seeing that the dumplings on the old man's plate were all eaten.

"I'm full, I'm full." The old man smiled and waved his hands, and then asked Butler Wang to go out for a walk with him.Not only was he full today, but he also ate a little too much.

If you don't go out for a walk to digest and digest, you probably won't be able to sleep at night.

Steward Wang also had a full meal, and accompanied the old man out of the courtyard to the army's playground.

The two dispersed on the playground and didn't go home until they were tired from walking.At home, after Si Zhanbei was full, he helped Sheng Fenghua wash the dishes, and then helped the children take a bath, then went to wash himself, and then watched TV in the living room while waiting Mr. Si is back.

He didn't go back to his room to accompany Sheng Fenghua and the children until Mr. Si came back.

After a good night's sleep, Sheng Fenghua received a call from Feng Rui early the next morning.

"What's the matter?" Si Zhanbei asked with concern after seeing Sheng Fenghua's expression turned ugly after he answered the phone.

"Something happened in the hospital." Sheng Fenghua said.Just now Feng Rui told her that a patient received yesterday refused the operation today.

Not only that, but the family members made trouble in the hospital and said some bad things about the hospital.

"What happened?" Si Zhanbei asked.Sheng Fenghua told Si Zhanbei what Feng Rui said, and then said: "Zhanbei, I have to go to the hospital today."

"Okay, I'll take a leave of absence for the political commissar and take care of the children at home." Si Zhanbei knew the seriousness of the matter.The hospital just opened yesterday, and something like this happened today. If it is not handled properly, it will greatly damage the reputation of the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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