ace warm marriage

Chapter 1496 Someone Makes Trouble

Chapter 1496 Someone Makes Trouble ([-])

"The thing is like this..." Feng Rui told Sheng Fenghua what happened.It turned out that the patient had come for a physical examination, but it was found that he had cancer.

To this end, the hospital first suggested that the other party be hospitalized for a comprehensive examination to determine the condition.Last night, the test results came out and the patient's family was informed early this morning.

The hospital told the patients and their families that if they wanted to live longer, they had to undergo surgery.

But the family members of the patient were unwilling to say anything, saying that the hospital cheated people and that they misdiagnosed.

"Where are the patients and their family members? Where are they now?" Sheng Fenghua asked.If the other party is really cancer, she can help to take a look.

"It's in the ward." Feng Rui said while leading Sheng Fenghua to the ward.

Before I got to the ward, I heard a middle-aged female voice say: "What kind of broken hospital are you here? You just came here for a physical examination, and you said that my old man has cancer. Are you crazy about money? "

"Obviously my old man can eat, drink, and work at home, but he is said to be seriously ill and sent to the hospital. I've never seen such a hospital. It's really embarrassing."

"Call your dean here. We won't have surgery, we won't be hospitalized, we'll be discharged."

"What kind of cancer, don't lie here. Let me tell you, we have no money. Even if we need an operation, we can't afford the operation fee."

"Damn the hospital, it only knows how to cheat us ordinary people. We came here for a physical examination, but the hospital lied to us for a full-body examination. And now they lie to us, saying that we will be hospitalized and have an operation."

"My God, we're dead."

After hearing a few words, Sheng Fenghua couldn't take it anymore, so he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

Feng Rui's face was also very dark. It was annoying enough to encounter such a terrible thing just after the hospital opened.

The two came to the door of the patient's ward, and looked at the middle-aged woman standing at the door of the ward who didn't think it was a big deal, and their eyes turned cold.

Fortunately, the hospital just opened yesterday, and there are not many people in the hospital, only a few.At this time, because of the woman's words, the patients and family members all walked out of the ward and looked at the woman.

"Sister, can you say a few words less?" Sheng Fenghua stepped forward and said to the woman who was slandering the hospital.

"Who are you? If you tell me to say a few words, I will listen to you?" The woman glanced at Sheng Fenghua, seeing her young, and didn't take her seriously at all.

"I am the person in charge of this hospital." Sheng Fenghua said lightly.

"You, are you the person in charge of this hospital?" The middle-aged woman looked at Sheng Fenghua in disbelief, and asked, "You didn't lie to me, did you?"

"I didn't lie to you. I'm really the person in charge of this hospital. Tell me directly if you have anything to say."


"Of course it's true."

"Can you really be the master?"


"Then you let us leave the hospital. We don't want to be hospitalized or have an operation. Also, your hospital said that my old man has cancer, which is a misdiagnosis. My old man has always been in good health, how could he have cancer?"

"So, this, you have to give us an explanation."

"Sister, you can leave the hospital. But I have to go to see the patient first to see if it is a misdiagnosis."

"Okay, okay, okay!" When the middle-aged woman heard that Sheng Fenghua agreed to let them out of the hospital, she immediately became happy, and opened the door to let Sheng Fenghua in.

(End of this chapter)

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