ace warm marriage

Chapter 1498 Kneeling for medical treatment

Chapter 1498 Kneeling for medical treatment ([-])

It's just a few coughs, everyone has coughed.How could it be so serious?

"Eldest sister, believe it or not. If you have to be discharged from the hospital, then we have no reason to force you to be hospitalized." Sheng Fenghua looked at the elder sister, and did not force them to stay.

When the eldest sister heard that Sheng Fenghua agreed to discharge them, she hesitated again, looked at the man lying on the hospital bed, and shouted: "Honey, we..."

"You go out first, I have something to talk to this doctor." The man glanced at his wife and said.

"Okay, I'll go out!" The eldest sister looked at her husband, then at Sheng Fenghua, walked out of the ward, and closed the door behind her.

Feng Rui stood beside Sheng Fenghua, looking at her with questioning eyes, meaning whether he should avoid it for a while.

No, Sheng Fenghua shook his head and told him it was okay.

Feng Rui stayed behind, still standing by Sheng Fenghua's side.Fortunately, the man on the hospital bed didn't care. He looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Doctor, I know you have a way to cure me. Please. As long as I cure me, I will treat you like a cow and a horse." I will repay you."

Sheng Fenghua looked at the man and didn't speak for a while.It was just the first time they met, and they probably didn't even know their own name.I don't know where he got the confidence to think that he can cure his illness.

"Doctor, please!" Seeing that Sheng Fenghua didn't speak, the man suddenly got off the bed and knelt down in front of Sheng Fenghua.

It is said that there is gold under the man's knees, and Sheng Fenghua felt embarrassed when this man knelt down like this.

"Sir, get up!" Sheng Fenghua looked at the man and said.Feng Rui on the side also reached out to help, pulling the man up.

However, the man seemed convinced, no matter how Feng Rui tried to pull him, no matter how Sheng Fenghua tried to persuade him, he was unwilling to get up.

Seeing the other party like this, Sheng Fenghua was a little annoyed.She doesn't like others to force her the most, and the behavior of this man right now, what is it other than forcing her?
So, she ignored him, turned around and left.

Seeing that Sheng Fenghua ignored him, the man panicked immediately, got up from the ground immediately, and shouted: "Doctor, doctor, wait!"

Sheng Fenghua stopped and looked at the man.

"Doctor, please help me. I can't die. I am the pillar of the family. I am a seventy-year-old mother, and there are teenagers who are in high school. Please help me, please help me?"

Listening to the man's words and seeing his sad face, both Sheng Fenghua and Feng Rui felt pity.

It's not that Sheng Fenghua doesn't help this man, but that they run a hospital, not a charity hall.

"Doctor, please!" The man begged again.Sheng Fenghua looked at it, his heart softened, and he said: "I will prescribe some medicines for you first, and you go back and take them first. But this medicine can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. When you have money, come for the surgery."

"Okay, okay, thank you doctor!" The man thanked Sheng Fenghua gratefully.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at the man, and then wrote a prescription.And it specifically stated that this medicine can only be bought in Shengshi Guoyao.

The man agreed without thinking too much.

The reason why Sheng Fenghua asked the other party to go to Shengshi Guoyao to buy medicine, of course, had his own intentions.Because the medicines she wrote are all from space, so the curative effect is naturally better than those from outside.

However, the medicine in the pharmacy is a bit expensive, so she thinks it is necessary to make it clear to the man in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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