ace warm marriage

Chapter 1514 Who's behind the scenes

Chapter 1514 Who Is Behind the Scenes ([-])

No, they came to the door again, and wanted him to frame him.He can't do this kind of thing.

So, He Dongfeng shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I can't help you."

"He Dongfeng, I advise you not to turn me down so quickly. Think about it again, that's a reward of 20 yuan. With this money, you can go for surgery. Is it possible that you don't want to live a few more years?" Year?"

These words directly hit He Dongfeng's Achilles' heel.Better to die than to live, who would want to die so early.No one wants to die if they are not forced to.

"I'll think about it again!" He Dongfeng hesitated for a while, but finally let go.He doesn't want to die, he wants to live.But he has no money, and the conditions offered by this person are really too tempting.

"If you can cooperate with us, we can talk about the price." The man in the sunglasses looked at He Dongfeng and let go, very satisfied, and threw another bait for him.

"Okay, I'll think about it." He Dongfeng nodded, it's really time for him to think about it.

"It won't be too long, I'll come back tomorrow." The man left directly after finishing speaking.

He Dongfeng's wife came back from the field and just saw the man leaving, so she entered the house and asked, "Husband, have you had any guests at home before?"

"Did you see it?" He Dongfeng looked at his wife Liu Guihua, thought of the conditions that the man had raised before, hesitated for a while, and decided to discuss it with her.

"I see. However, I don't seem to recognize it." Liu Guihua nodded, fetched a bucket of water from the well in the courtyard, and took it aside to wash her face.

"I don't know either."

"What, you don't know him either, so why is he coming to our house?" Liu Guihua stopped what she was doing and looked at He Dongfeng in surprise.

Although she was not in a hurry just now, she could still see that the other party was well dressed.I thought it was someone He Dongfeng knew, or a relative, but he didn't even know him.

"He said he came to help us."

"Help us? How?" Liu Guihua was surprised at first, but after thinking about it, she became happy again.He Dongfeng's disease requires surgery, which costs money.It would be great if the other party could really help them.

Thinking of this, Liu Guihua tentatively asked: "That person may not know that you are sick, so he wants to help us."

"You could say the same."

"What do you mean?"

"This is how it is..." He Dongfeng told the other party's conditions for helping them, and Liu Guihua became silent when he heard it.Last time, someone gave them money, so they went to Shengfeng Hospital to make a fuss.

Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world.

However, they are not related to them, so why should they help them?It must be exchanged for something.Now, what they trade is conscience.

To be honest, Liu Guihua is usually a bit aggressive and unreasonable, but she still has a conscience.She also hesitates to do things that are unconscionable.

However, when she thought that if they didn't do it, He Dongfeng's operation fee would not be paid, and she would have to watch him die, her heart slowly hardened again.

If people do not do what they want, they will be destroyed by heaven and earth.They were also forced to have no choice but to agree to each other's conditions.Because she didn't want to be a widow, she didn't want to see her children without a father, she didn't want to see her parents-in-law without a son, and she didn't want to be without a husband.

"Dongfeng, have you agreed to the other party?" After a long time, Liu Guihua asked.She knew that her husband, He Dongfeng, was more soft-hearted than her, so he probably wouldn't agree so quickly for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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