ace warm marriage

Chapter 1523 Suicide

Chapter 1523

As long as it's not Feng Rui who handles it by himself.To be honest, she really didn't have any confidence in Feng Rui's ability to handle things.

Ning Rui hung up the phone and began to interrogate Liu Guihua.

"Liu Guihua, why did you bring people into trouble?" Ning Rui looked at Liu Guihua and asked in a cold voice.

"I, I didn't make trouble. Comrade police, you have to decide for us. My man took the medicine prescribed by this hospital and it broke. Now he has become like this. You must give us justice."

Although Liu Guihua was a little afraid of the police, when she thought of what the man had confessed, she immediately began to cry.The other party told her that if you encounter the police, just ask the police to decide.

"Are you sure that your husband took medicine to ruin it?" Si Zhanbei had already told him the general situation of the matter, so he knew that Liu Guihua took other people's money.

In addition, the hospital's examination just now revealed that the man named He Dongfeng didn't eat traditional Chinese medicine to destroy it, but took laxatives.

I don't know what his husband and wife are thinking. Originally, He Dongfeng's body was sick, and it was such a serious illness that it was too late to take care of it.Unexpectedly, the two even went to take laxatives.

Everyone said that if you don't do it, you won't die. He Dongfeng did it like this, and he made himself to the point where he was going to see the king of Hades.

As soon as he took this laxative, his body completely collapsed.Originally, having an operation would allow him to live for a while, but now there is no need for this operation at all, so He Dongfeng can live for a week at most.

It's just that Liu Guihua doesn't know the situation of her man right now, and she still wants to complete the task and get the other half of the money.

"Of course, can I still lie to the police comrades?" Liu Guihua opened her eyes and said nonsense.Yes, laxatives are also medicines, so she was right.

"Liu Guihua, you have to think it over before answering." Ning Rui reminded coldly that he had seen a lot of people like Liu Guihua.

Liu Guihua was startled in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, and asked, "Comrade policeman, what do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean, you know it in your heart. Liu Guihua, be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist." Ning Rui glanced at Liu Guihua lightly, but Liu Guihua was so shocked that she lowered her head guiltily, not daring to talk to him. Look at each other.

"I'll give you another chance to tell the truth." Ning Rui was very satisfied with the coercion his gaze had brought to Liu Guihua, and looked at him seriously.

"Me, me?" Liu Guihua felt guilty and scared.After all, she is just an ordinary rural woman, facing the majesty of the police, she is still afraid in her heart.

"Tell me, why did you do this? Also, what did your husband eat to become like this?"

Liu Guihua looked up at Ning Ruize, and was about to blurt out the confession.But when she thought about the money, she swallowed back the words and said, "Comrade policeman, I'm not lying. My husband became like this because he took the medicine prescribed by the doctor named Sheng Fenghua. "

"Liu Guihua, it seems that you don't shed tears when you see the coffin." Ning Ruize's expression turned pale, and he looked at Liu Guihua and said, "You don't even know who Dr. Sheng is. Let me tell you, you can get the coffin." She prescribes medicine, but it is a blessing that your husband has cultivated in several lifetimes."

"But you guys are lucky. Not only do you not cherish it, but you even want to frame her. You don't know how much it will cost someone else to ask Dr. Sheng to help. Even if she doesn't prescribe the medicine, but just checks the pulse, the price is at least ten thousand."

(End of this chapter)

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