ace warm marriage

Chapter 1542 First Encounter

Chapter 1542 First Encounter ([-])

The brothers lurk quietly, waiting for those people to enter their ambush circle.

Seeing, they are about to enter.But at this moment, those people stopped.And looked vigilantly at the direction where Si Zhanbei and the others were.

"What's going on, could it be that they found us?" Qin Feng leaned against Si Zhanbei, watched those people stop, and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Probably not. They probably sensed danger, so they stopped."

"Intuition?" Sheng Fenghua asked.It is said that women's intuition is very accurate, but men's intuition is also very good.

They were so far away that they could feel the danger.

"It seems that these people really have two brushes as Liu Da said."

"Then what should we do?" Qin Feng was a little worried, what if these people found them?Or, if these people don't come forward, what should we do?
Although there are not many opponents, there will definitely be movement once they fight.Greentown is not far away, what if the news reaches Greentown and the other side sends more people?
"Wait!" Si Zhanbei said indifferently, these people will definitely not know that they are the People's Liberation Army, and they probably think they are the horse bandits who were kicked out by them before.

In this way, their vigilance will be relaxed.After all, they fought horse bandits before, and they ended in victory every time.

Sure enough, after a while, the foreign army began to move this way again.They held their guns and moved forward bit by bit.

In the end, they stepped into Si Zhanbei's encirclement.Liu Dahe and the four brothers saw that the other party had entered the encirclement, raised their guns, and were ready to shoot.

But Hu Dongyang, who was following them, held him down and said, "Don't be impulsive."

"They have all come in. If we don't fight, is it possible to keep them home for dinner?" Liu Da looked at Hu Dongyang with a puzzled expression. This is a rare opportunity. They have so many people that they can definitely eliminate each other.

"Don't worry, I will definitely not keep them for dinner." Hu Dongyang comforted Liu Da, reassuring him that these enemies would not be let go.

"Okay!" Liu Da was a little unwilling.Thinking of the deaths of his brothers, he wished he could rush forward and destroy them.

But Hu Dongyang didn't let them do it, and he couldn't help it.

After a while, the enemy had reached the center of the encirclement and the center.Only then did Si Zhanbei give the order, "Fight!"

With an order, the bullets flew together and headed towards the foreign army.

Those foreign troops were not fuel-efficient lamps either. As soon as the gunshots rang out, they rolled on the spot, then lay down on the ground and fought back.

It's just that they misjudged and only thought that there was someone in front, but ignored the left, right and rear.It wasn't until gunshots sounded from these three directions that he realized it, and then turned around to fight back.

Seeing that the foreign troops dodged the bullets for the first time, the soldiers of the special operations team were very annoyed, so they approached while suppressing the enemy with bullets.

As for Liu Da and the others, they couldn't help being a little disappointed seeing how powerful the other party was, but the People's Liberation Army didn't wipe them out.With an impulse, I wanted to rush out and die with the other party.

Hu Dongyang held them back again, and asked, "Are you dying?"

"Us?" Liu Da's face was a little ugly. Just when he stood up, he was almost hit by a bullet.Until now, I am still terrified. If Hu Dongyang hadn't pulled him, this would have been fatal.

"Stay well!" Hu Dongyang said to them, and then made a gesture in the direction of Si Zhanbei and the others, then rolled on the spot, rolled out of the ambush, and headed towards the foreign troops.

(End of this chapter)

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