ace warm marriage

Chapter 1546 Cooperation Against the Enemy

Chapter 1546 Cooperation Against the Enemy ([-])
"No, we are surrounded." Hu Dongyang's expression changed, he looked at the enemy on the roof, thinking of countermeasures.

"What should we do?" Liu Da was already at a loss. When they came last time, although they were defeated, there was no such battle.

Now, they were made dumplings.No matter which way you go, you will be shot.

Could it be that he is dying here today?
Just as he was thinking about it, the fox opened his mouth and said, "Da Liu, you are familiar with this place, lead the way ahead, we are going to rush out."

"it is good!"

At this time, Hu Dongyang had already turned on the communication equipment and contacted Si Zhanbei and the others.

"Boss, we are surrounded."

Si Zhanbei's expression changed, and he asked, "The exact location?"

After Hu Dongyang reported the specific location, he added: "We are going to break through."

"Be careful, safety first!" Si Zhanbei warned, then turned to the resting brothers and said, "Yangzi and Fox are surrounded, we are going to rescue them."

Hearing that Hu Dongyang and the fox were surrounded, the comrades-in-arms immediately turned pale, looked at Si Zhanbei and said, "Leader, please give an order."

"Start immediately, target Green City, mission to save lives!"

After Si Zhanbei finished speaking, he ran towards Green City first.They are not far from the green city, only one kilometer, that is, 1000 meters, and they will arrive in a blink of an eye.

Although they wanted to save lives, Si Zhanbei and his brothers still had to be more careful.They didn't want to fail in saving people, but set themselves up instead.

A few horse bandits also followed Si Zhanbei and the others. Their boss was besieged, so they naturally went to rescue people.

When Si Zhanbei and the others rushed into Greentown to save people, Hu Dongyang and the others did not sit still.The fox ordered Liu Da to lead the way, while he and Hu Dongyang were in charge of the enemies on the roof.The two of them, one on the left and one on the right.

Liu Da also knew that if they couldn't escape, they would die.Therefore, it is natural to run forward as hard as possible, to take the two of them out of the encirclement of the enemy.

Liu Da ran fast, Fox and Hu Dongyang were not slow, they shot back while running.When the enemy saw that the three of them were running, they were naturally unwilling.

Originally, they wanted to catch the three of them, but now they wanted to run, so they had to shoot.It's best if you can stop it, if you can't stop it, then it's okay to kill it.

For this reason, the people on the roofs on both sides shot at the three people running below.Not only that, after the gunshots sounded, figures also appeared on the ground.

They chased after the three of them, looking like they were going to kill them all.

"Liu Da, it's up to you whether we can get out alive."

"Understood!" Liu Da replied, leading the two of them into an alley.With such a turn, the person on the roof was temporarily thrown away, but the person chasing him on the ground still pursued him relentlessly.

At this time, Si Zhanbei had already sneaked into Green City, listening to the direction of the gunshots, but did not go directly to rescue people.

Si Zhanbei knew that at this time, it was useless to go directly to save people, so he could only use other methods.Fortunately, before Hu Dongyang and the others in Green City, the distribution map of the enemy's troops was sent over.

In addition to the enemy's command center, there is another place with more troops.Si Zhanbei guessed that when the time comes, people will be locked up, or they will be the enemy's material center.

And what they have to do now is to encircle Wei and save Zhao.Based on the information provided by Hu Dongyang and combined with the map of Greentown, Si Zhanbei headed towards places with more troops.

The four horse bandits followed closely behind the team, fearing that if they could not keep up, they would be targeted by the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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