ace warm marriage

Chapter 1556 Time Bomb

Chapter 1556 Time Bomb ([-])

"There is no tunnel?" Neither Si Zhanbei nor Qin Feng believed it. If there is no tunnel, how did the terrorists leave?
Could it be that this command center has a back door.

Thinking about it, Qin Feng asked: "Is there a back door to the command center?"

"Not before." Fang Yuan shook his head again, when they were here before, there was no need for the back door at all.

"Go and see if the enemy has opened a back door." Si Zhanbei said to a brother.

"Yes!" The brother replied, and then quickly walked towards the back of the command center.However, when I got to the back, I didn't find the back door or anything.

So, he immediately came back to report and said, "Captain, there is no back door found."

"There is no back door, so where did the enemy come from?" Si Zhanbei and Qin Feng pondered.It is impossible for these people to disappear out of thin air, there must be some channel.

But where is this channel?

Also, how was it that the garrison was easily taken over by the enemy?

After thinking for a while, the two felt that there must still be a tunnel here, so they ordered their brothers again and said, "Check around for me to see if there is a tunnel."

When Fang Yuan heard it, he didn't know what he thought of, his face changed, and he said, "I know!"

"What's wrong? Did you remember something?" Si Zhanbei and Qin Feng looked at Fang Yuan together.

"We have a sewer here, which leads all the way to the desert. I wonder if the enemy left from the sewer."

"Where is the sewer?" Si Zhanbei and Qin Feng asked with their faces changing.If there is no tunnel, then the enemy is really likely to leave from the sewer.

Of course, first of all, the sewer must be that wide.

"Follow me!" Fang Yuan said as he walked outside.

Fang Yuan brought the two of them to the kitchen, pointed to a cover, and said, "This is the main sewer entrance here."

"Open it and have a look!" Si Zhanbei ordered, and immediately a brother stepped forward to open the cover of the sewer.

The cover was opened, revealing a ladder inside.

Seeing the ladder, everyone's expressions changed.Obviously, the enemy left from the sewer.

"Go down and have a look!" Si Zhanbei ordered again.Hearing this, the brother who opened the lid immediately climbed down the ladder.

The sewer is not too deep, about two meters above the ground.After going down, the bottom is wider, but it is a bit dark, with only a little light coming through from the front.

"Boss, I'll go ahead and have a look." The brother who went down shouted at Si Zhanbei, and then ran forward quickly.

The sewer is a bit long, 600 meters in Dagen, and there are some forks in the middle, but there are relatively few passages.Therefore, the team member of the lone wolf did not go to the fork, but went directly along the passage.

Once you walk like this, you will go straight to the end of the passage.There is no cap at the end, just a big tube.

The team climbed out of the pipe and looked around.Looking at it this way, he immediately discovered the situation, and saw a group of people moving towards the distance in the desert ahead.

So, he didn't care too much, and directly turned on the headset to talk to Si Zhanbei.

"Lone wolf, lone wolf, there is a situation."

"What's the situation, tell me!"

"The enemy has been found and has entered the desert."

"Don't chase, withdraw first!"


The team members withdrew back, Qin Feng looked at Si Zhanbei and asked, "The enemy has run away?"

(End of this chapter)

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