ace warm marriage

Chapter 1559 Rescue and Rest

Chapter 1559 Rescue and Rest ([-])

The nurse didn't know what Sheng Fenghua was going to do, and was about to take her to the pharmacy.Sheng Fenghua stopped again, and said, "Go outside and wait for me."

"Okay!" The nurse nodded, then left the ward and waited outside.

Sheng Fenghua watched the nurse go out, and immediately closed the door.Then he stepped into the space, took out the anti-inflammatory medicine, and hit the wounded man.

After giving the wounded an injection, Sheng Fenghua left the ward in peace and followed the nurse to the pharmacy.

Because it is a small town and in the center of the desert, the medicines in the pharmacy are quite complete.After Sheng Fenghua entered, he went directly to the area where the anti-inflammatory drugs were placed.

Sheng Fenghua casually took a box of anti-inflammatory drugs and looked at it, his expression changed again, and he said to the nurse, "Where is your dean, help me find him."

"The dean is sick and hasn't been to work for several days." The nurse said casually. That day some bad guys came to the hospital and wanted to arrest them, but the dean refused to let them. Later, they beat them up and then left.

Later, they heard that the dean was seriously injured and was sent home by kind people.Originally, they wanted to visit the dean's house.

But who knows, those bad guys came again and locked them up.After such a delay, I never saw the dean again, and I don't know how he is doing now.

"Sick?" Sheng Fenghua was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Then who is in charge of this pharmacy now?"

"It's Doctor Wang."

"You go and find the Wang Hospital."


The nurse quickly found Dr. Wang, Sheng Fenghua took a look at Dr. Wang, then put the anti-inflammatory medicine in front of him, and said: "Look at these anti-inflammatory medicines, they are all expired, why are they still there?" use?"

"What, it's expired, it's impossible?" Dr. Wang was full of disbelief. How could the medicine have expired so soon after it was purchased last month?

"If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself." Sheng Fenghua didn't tell him too much, and put the medicine in front of him directly.

Dr. Wang looked down and saw that the medicine had indeed expired.But on the day of purchase, he clearly checked that none of these medicines had expired.

This is how it happened?
Thinking of this, Dr. Wang took a bunch of keys from his body, and opened the door of the warehouse.

There are still several boxes of anti-inflammatory drugs in the warehouse, he has to check to see if they are expired.

After entering the warehouse, Dr. Wang found anti-inflammatory drugs that had not been unpacked.Opened it, and it was fine, it hadn't expired.

As a result, he became more and more puzzled.It's obviously the same batch of medicines, why the ones outside have expired, but the ones in the warehouse are not?

After thinking about it, Dr. Wang had a guess in his mind, and then said to Sheng Fenghua, "Someone should have changed our medicine."

"What do you mean?" Sheng Fenghua immediately thought of those terrorists after hearing this.It is likely that those people did it. As for the reason, it must be because they don't want doctors to save people.

Because, since they came here, most of the injured are garrison troops.For this reason, they did not want the doctors who healed the garrison's wounds to become their enemies.

It seems that these terrorists are really vicious, and they used this method to consume the strength of the garrison.

"I think it must be that group of villains who did it. No one else would do this kind of thing except them." Dr. Wang's words, as Sheng Fenghua guessed, said that terrorists did it.

Regardless of the facts, it is certain that this batch of medicine must be dealt with first.Therefore, Sheng Fenghua said to Dr. Wang: "Since the medicines in the warehouse are all good, let's take them out and use them first."

(End of this chapter)

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