ace warm marriage

Chapter 1568 Track down the murderer

Chapter 1568 Track down the murderer ([-])

"What is the purpose of your stay, or what is your mission?"

"Create panic and then assassinate you."

"So, you brought us here on purpose before?"

"Yes, some of us are hiding outside the command post and keep an eye on the command post. When you see you come out, tell us."

"So you've just laid out your pockets here, waiting for us to get in?"


"Where are the others?"

"This, I don't know."

"Then who is your person in charge?"

"I am not sure as well."

"Ask three times and don't know. It seems that you are tired of living too. If that's the case, then you should go and be with them." Sheng Fenghua took out the silver needle while talking.

"Don't, don't, I said, I said." The enemy saw the silver needle in Sheng Fenghua's hand and thought of the death of his companion, he couldn't help being afraid.

"Tell me, where are the others and who is in charge?"

Si Zhanbei said a few addresses, and Si Zhanbei wrote them down one by one, then took out his phone and called Qin Feng, asking him to send people to these places to arrest the enemy.

Qin Feng just didn't fall asleep. As soon as he received Si Zhanbei's call, he immediately called his brothers and headed towards those places.

When the soldiers arrived, the enemy was discussing how to cause a big panic in Greentown.It wasn't until Qin Feng led people in that the enemy found out, but it was too late.I can only obediently let him go.

Several people wanted to escape, but were shot dead by Qin Feng and the others.

Several locations are operating almost at the same time, so none of the enemies slipped through the net.

Qin Feng and the others escorted them back to the command center, and Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua also went back.Seeing the captured person, the two of them interrogated overnight without taking a rest.

He knew quite a lot about the person in charge of their direct interrogation.Like when will the terrorists come again and how many of them are there in Morrow Town.

After asking about the situation, Si Zhanbei asked the person in charge to be taken down and detained alone.

Liu Da and the others knew that the People's Liberation Army had captured the enemy, so they ran together.When they saw that Si Zhanbei and the others didn't kill them, they thought they didn't dare to kill.

So, Liu Da said to Si Zhanbei: "Comrades of the People's Liberation Army, if you are not good at doing it, then leave them to us. We are horse bandits anyway, so it doesn't matter if we kill a few people or something."

Si Zhanbei took a look at Liu Da and said, "We can keep these people, we can't kill them for the time being."

"But?" Liu Da was thinking of revenge. Although he had driven the enemies away before, he didn't kill them to avenge his brothers. He was regretting.

But they didn't expect that a dozen terrorists were arrested tonight. They felt that there was a chance for revenge, but Si Zhanbei wouldn't let them move.

This made Liu Da and the others find it really difficult to take revenge.

"It's nothing but, these people can't move for the time being."

After Si Zhanbei said so, Liu Da and the others had no choice but to go back.

"Brother, let's forget it?" After returning to the place where he lived, the brothers under Liu Da spoke.

"Otherwise, what else can we do? Comrades from the People's Liberation Army say they can't be killed, so they can't be killed."

"Brother, otherwise, let's kill them secretly."

"No, how can we do such a contradictory thing?"

Huzi glanced at Liu Dahe and his brothers, and said, "Brother, if you are not good at doing it, then let the brothers do it. When the time comes, Comrade Liberation will pursue it, and the younger brother will bear it all."

(End of this chapter)

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