ace warm marriage

Chapter 1572 Catch a spy

Chapter 1572 Catch a Spy ([-])

"In this world, who would not want to live?" The person in charge looked at Sheng Fenghua, and then said, "It's just that I don't believe you, please ask someone who can make the decision to talk to me."

"Okay, but you'd better think clearly. After passing this village, there will be no such shop." Sheng Fenghua didn't talk nonsense with the person in charge, and left directly to find Si Zhanbei.

Fortunately, Si Zhanbei and the others have finished handing over.Greentown has been taken over by the new comrades-in-arms, and their mission has been completed.

However, when he thought that those terrorists were still entrenched in Morrow Town and would attack Greentown again at any time, Si Zhanbei felt a little worried.

It would be great if those terrorists could be wiped out in one fell swoop.

Si Zhanbei was thinking, when he heard his little wife's voice: "Zhanbei, Zhanbei."

"Daughter-in-law, you're back." Seeing his little wife, Si Zhanbei suppressed his worries temporarily and laughed.

"Zhan Bei, what were you thinking just now? I've been standing here for a long time, but you didn't even see it."

"I'm sorry, I was too absorbed in thinking about things just now." Si Zhanbei apologized, and he ignored his little wife. It really shouldn't be.

"What are you thinking, can you talk to me?"

"Daughter-in-law, the person who takes over is here. Our mission is completed, and we may have to go back."

"That's a good thing."

"I know, but..." Si Zhanbei was interrupted by Sheng Fenghua before he finished speaking, and said, "But those terrorists have not been dealt with, it is always your heart disease, isn't it?"

"Whoever knows me is also a daughter-in-law." Si Zhanbei laughed.His little wife actually knew what was going on in his mind.They really are a couple.

"Since you can't rest assured, why don't you think of a way to get rid of them. Anyway, the superior has no order now, let's go back immediately, shouldn't we?"

"That's what you said, but if the enemy doesn't come out, it's impossible for us to go to Moluo Town to find someone."

"If the enemy doesn't come out, we can draw the enemy out."

"How to say?" Si Zhanbei suddenly became interested and looked at his little wife.

"Didn't we catch some people? Use them as bait. I don't believe it, and the enemy can't be lured."

"You mean..." As expected of a husband and wife, although Sheng Fenghua didn't understand what she meant, Si Zhanbei already understood what she meant.

So, a smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Daughter-in-law, thank you for your reminder."

Si Zhanbei thanked Sheng Fenghua, then hurried to find Qin Feng and several other persons in charge.He wants to discuss with them, draw the enemy out, and then wipe them out in one fell swoop to remove hidden dangers.

Fang Yuan and Qin Feng are naturally in favor of eliminating the enemy.However, Liu Qiang, the new garrison commander, somewhat disagreed.

In his opinion, since the enemy has already gone to other people's territory, why should they bother.

"Liu Qiang, we don't like to hear your words. You didn't know how cruel those people were when you first came. Almost all the brothers in our battalion died at their hands. We have to avenge this revenge. Besides, who knows When will the enemy come again?"

Fang Yuan was a little unhappy, so he spoke harshly.

"Is it possible that you hope that this hidden danger will remain forever, and then make the people of Greentown worry all day long?"

Battalion Commander Liu glanced at Fang Yuan, didn't listen to his words at all, and said indifferently: "The enemy hasn't killed them yet? Besides, since they escaped, they must be afraid. Since they are afraid, why don't they How come again?"

(End of this chapter)

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