ace warm marriage

Chapter 1574: Trick to Lure the Enemy

Chapter 1574: Trick to Lure the Enemy ([-])

"Fenghua, tell me!" Si Zhanbei looked at his little wife, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.The little wife has always been able to surprise him, I don't know if it is the same today.

"I can be a bait." Sheng Fenghua said with a smile, she had a room to cheat.I'm not afraid of what the enemy can do to her, if it's a big deal, she'll just go straight into the space.

"No!" When everyone heard this, they all disagreed.With so many men here, Sheng Fenghua is not needed even to be a bait.

"It's better for me to go." Qin Feng said, he is the vice captain, and his role should be greater.

"Qin Feng, don't argue with me, let me go." Sheng Fenghua laughed.She understands Qin Feng's thoughts, but Qin Feng doesn't know her space, so he is worried that she is in danger.

When everyone disagreed, Si Zhanbei hesitated.He naturally understood what Sheng Fenghua was thinking, but he was still a little worried.

Because, if you want to lure the enemy, you must send a few more terrorists back.Si Zhanbei was worried that the other party would be unfavorable to Sheng Fenghua, and worried that something would happen to her.

"Zhan Bei, express your opinion, what do you think?" Qin Feng urged Si Zhanbei when he saw that Si Zhanbei remained silent.

He didn't know what Si Zhanbei was thinking these days, he cared so much about Sheng Fenghua, but still let her take risks.

"I agree, but I want to be the bait with her." Si Zhanbei finally agreed, but in order to protect Sheng Fenghua, he decided to be the bait himself.

"Zhan Bei, are you crazy?" Qin Feng stared at Si Zhanbei with wide eyes, unable to understand what he was thinking.

"I'm not crazy!" Si Zhanbei said with a serious face, not like he was joking at all, "That's it, Fenghua and I will be the bait and follow the enemy to the terrorists, and you will follow behind. Then act like you have to fight the enemy in order to save people."

"No, I don't agree." Qin Feng expressed his disapproval again. It is quite dangerous to use it as bait.Those people have no bottom line, what if they go back on their word and kill the two of them?
"Then what do you think is a good way?" Si Zhanbei looked at Qin Feng, knowing that he was worried about him, but right now this was the only way.

Otherwise, how would they enter the enemy's base camp, and how would they convince the enemy?
"Can't we lure them out of Morrow Town to the desert?" Qin Feng frowned and said.From his point of view, it would be safe and not too much trouble if you do it in the desert.

"What's your opinion?" Si Zhanbei looked at the other brothers and asked.It is naturally the best to lure the enemy to the desert.

But the question is, how can we draw the enemy out?
"We can ask the person in charge to give it a try. Since the terrorists are staying here as an internal response, there must be a reason. Why don't we ask the person in charge to contact Moro directly."

"Okay, let's talk to the other party again." Si Zhanbei thought for a while and said.Although the method of luring the enemy with his body is very good, but the risk factor is high, and everyone disagrees.

At this time, he had to consider everyone's emotions.Although he is the captain, in the end he has the final say.But the opinions of the brothers must also be adopted.Otherwise, it would be bad if there is an unpleasant scene.

After all, the most important thing in combat is to work together.

"I'll bring the person in charge right away." Hu Dongyang left the conference room while speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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