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Chapter 1576: Trick to Lure the Enemy

Chapter 1576: A Tactic to Lure the Enemy ([-])

"I don't know too much. But I still know the general situation of Morrow Town." The person in charge didn't talk too much, and he was still very familiar with Morrow Town.After all, he also spent some time in Morrow Town before.

"Then tell me about Moreau's situation."


When the person in charge told about Mo Luo's situation, after Si Zhanbei and the others heard about it, they immediately felt that what they had thought to wipe out all the enemies before was simply a fantasy.

This is not to increase the enemy's ambition and destroy one's own prestige.Rather, their numbers are simply too small.If one equals ten, it's okay, but if one equals a hundred, then it's a bit difficult.

And now, although the enemies on Mo Luo's side were not hundreds of times theirs, those people in the town were almost bought by the enemies and acted as informants.These people add up, but there are many.

"You go back first, let's discuss it again. We'll find you after we've discussed it." Si Zhanbei thought for a while and said to the person in charge.

I originally thought that this matter should be resolved quickly, but now it seems impossible.

Hu Dongyang brought the enemy back, Si Zhanbei and others sat in the meeting room and fell silent.

"Zhan Bei, what should we do?" Qin Feng asked.He also didn't expect the situation in Morrow Town to be so complicated.

Fortunately, they didn't impulsively just let Sheng Fenghua be the bait.Otherwise, they might be wiped out if they went to Morrow Town so recklessly.

"It seems that we have to report the situation to the superior first, and then wait for the superior's decision." Si Zhanbei thought for a while and said.

Qin Feng thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and said, "That's fine, I'll report to the superior."

When only Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua were left in the room, Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei and said, "Zhanbei, do you think the superiors will agree for us to stay?"

"I don't know." Si Zhanbei shook his head, who knows what his superiors think.However, he felt that his superiors should pay attention to this situation.

After all, the enemy has been in Morrow Town for several years, and now it seems that their purpose is also very clear, which is the oil of Greentown.

As Si Zhanbei expected, after receiving Qin Feng's report, the superior immediately paid attention to it, and then reported it level by level.

In the end, even the national leaders knew about it and took it very seriously.He immediately ordered that the group of terrorists must be eliminated, and then the oil that had been stolen before should be recovered.

Considering that Si Zhanbei and the others are in Greentown, they have also fought against the enemy.Therefore, the final task still fell on Si Zhanbei and the others.

The superior instructed the division to fight north and they must find out the enemy's situation in Morrow, such as the distribution of personnel, the firepower situation, and so on.Then, as an internal response, cooperate with the people sent by other military departments to wipe out all the enemies.

Dare to go against Huaxia, of course there is a price to pay.

Si Zhanbei, who were a little worried at first, were naturally very happy after receiving this task.They are worried that they will not have the opportunity to stay in Green City, and now the superiors have entrusted them with the task, which is exactly what they want.

In this way, he can stay in Greentown in a fair manner, and then go to Moro.So after receiving the task, Si Zhanbei and the others did not delay, and immediately prepared to make up and go to Morrow.

It takes a day to go from Greentown to Moro through the desert.Si Zhanbei and others planned to disguise themselves as a caravan, and the person in charge would lead the way to Morrow.

Because I want to dress up as a caravan, I have to prepare a lot of things.Therefore, it was delayed for two days.It was not until the third morning that the group set off.

(End of this chapter)

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