ace warm marriage

Chapter 1583 2 people were arrested

Chapter 1583 Two people were arrested ([-])

"It's more than not low. Everyone here listens to Rhett, he is the person in charge here."

"What?" Now it was Si Zhanbei's turn to be surprised.Although it has long been seen that Reid's status may not be low, he did not expect him to be the person in charge here.

No wonder, when they were fighting last night, those people would gather around when they saw Reid was injured, so it was like this.

Si Zhanbei asked Steven some more things, and then told him to be careful not to show his feet, and gave him some money before letting him leave.

After Steven left, Si Zhanbei deliberately asked his men to follow him for a while.Sure enough, it was discovered that someone was following Steven.

Hearing the news, Si Zhanbei said to everyone: "It seems that Reid is a cautious person. We will have to work hard to complete the task."

"Boss, why don't we arrest Na Reid directly." A brother suggested.Si Zhanbei also thought about this question.It's not like he doesn't understand the principle of capturing the thief first.But since Reid is the person in charge here, it must not be easy to catch him.

And if one gets it wrong, if you don't say anything, you will expose yourself.Now, they are in the middle of the enemy, surrounded by many enemies.Be careful and careful, otherwise they may lose their lives at any time.

Si Zhanbei didn't want to leave his life here without completing the mission.Therefore, it is best not to use this trick unless you have to.

Sheng Fenghua thought for a while and said, "How about this, isn't Lisa Rhett's daughter? Can we start with her?"

"Fenghua, this is a way. However, since Lisa is Rhett's daughter, she must have many people around her to protect her, so we still have to be careful."

"I understand." Sheng Fenghua is not a little girl who doesn't understand anything, and she can be regarded as crawling from the dead in her previous life.Naturally, she would not underestimate an opponent.

Although this Lisa seems innocent and innocent, is this really the case?not necessarily!

"Then it's settled, I'll find a time to get closer to Lisa."

"Okay, be careful yourself."

"Don't worry, I will."

"By the way, did you gain anything when you went out last night?" They came back too late yesterday, and Si Zhanbei hadn't had time to ask.I went to sell things again early this morning, and I don't have time.

"Boss, the security here is very strict. It looks like a small kingdom. Moreover, the people here are also very vigilant. We have found many people, but we have not asked anything useful."

"Boss, I found out that there is an arsenal here, but there are many people guarding it. I observed it last night, and there are more than 30 people patrolling back and forth. Besides, next to the arsenal, there are still A lot of people lived there."

"And it looks like this arsenal is relatively large, and there should be a lot of weapons and ammunition in it. It would be nice to go in and have a look. However, there are too many enemies, and it is not easy to get in."

"Boss, Steven didn't lie to us. It is true that most of the people here are terrorists. Almost less than [-]% of the aborigines."

"So, it is not easy for us to complete the tasks assigned by the above."

"Boss, why don't we blow up the opponent's arsenal first."

"Don't act rashly." Si Zhanbei frowned. He had expected that this mission would not be easy to complete, but he did not expect it to be so difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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