ace warm marriage

Chapter 1590 Taking Hostages

Chapter 1590 Detaining Hostages ([-])

After an unknown amount of time, the surface of the water finally calmed down. Si Zhanbei got up from the water with his exhausted little wife in his arms, and walked towards the house not far away.

After entering the room, Si Zhanbei directly stuffed his little wife into the bed, and found a dry towel to help her gently wipe her hair.

Sheng Fenghua was so exhausted that he lay motionless on the bed, letting Si Zhanbei serve him.

After a while, Si Zhanbei stopped, and then said to his little wife, "Okay!"

However, the little wife did not respond.Si Zhanbei looked down and saw that she had fallen asleep.

Looking at the little wife who was already asleep, Si Zhanbei showed a faint smile, put the towel aside, then lowered his head and kissed her forehead, and then went to bed.

After going to bed, Si Zhanbei hugged his little wife into his arms, and then closed his eyes.

When I woke up, it was already the next morning.Sheng Fenghua got up and made a quick breakfast, but he didn't go out in a hurry, but went to the pharmacy on the side of Jiuzhuan Linglong Pagoda.

In the pharmacy, Sheng Fenghua made a lot of pills.She took out one of the bottles, poured out a pill and ate it straight away, packed the rest and went to find Si Zhanbei.

At this time, Si Zhanbei was already wandering in the space.He was shocked when he saw the small playground Sheng Fenghua had built for the children.

This playground is actually not small, it is as big as a basketball court.There are already many facilities inside, including small train tracks, swings, and trampolines.

Looking at these things, Si Zhanbei blamed himself a little.He is the father of the children, but he is not as good as Sheng Fenghua in terms of the children's care.

Yes, he is busy with work and rarely at home, but he has never done anything for the children.And what about the little wife?Not only the children who accompanied me every day, but also built such a big playground for the children.

"Zhan Bei, what are you thinking, so absorbed?" When Sheng Fenghua found Si Zhanbei, he was in a daze.

"Daughter-in-law, thank you!" Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua respectfully. He not only loved her, but also respected her.He admired her and loved her.

Hearing Si Zhanbei's words, Sheng Fenghua laughed and said, "I am the mother of the children, and these are what I should do."

"I'm not as good as you in too many places." Si Zhanbei said, and then saw that there were still some utensils that were not installed properly, so he started to do it.

Seeing Si Zhanbei's actions, Sheng Fenghua stepped forward to help.

The couple installed entertainment facilities for their children in the space, but they didn't know that Qin Feng and the others outside were in trouble.

According to Li Si Zhanbei's plan, Qin Feng and the others should have left Moluo Town early this morning and went to the designated place to wait for him and Sheng Fenghua.

But I didn't want to, when Qin Feng and the others were about to leave today, Ruide had someone stop them, and Qin Feng was also taken to the place where Ruide lived.

"Mr. Reid, what do you mean?" Qin Feng looked at Reid and asked.

Yesterday, Ruide's people searched all night, but they couldn't find Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua, which made him a little annoyed.He always believed that the fire in the small courtyard was not an accident, but man-made.

Because his people found traces of arson.

Because of this, he became more and more suspicious of Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua.They suspected that they set the fire, but they searched the whole town, but they couldn't find anyone.

Reid even suspected that the two were hidden by Qin Feng and the others.After all, they bought a lot of goods before.Therefore, he suspected that Qin Feng hid the two of them in the cargo.

(End of this chapter)

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