ace warm marriage

Chapter 1604 Aircraft Bombing

Chapter 1604 Aircraft Bombing ([-])

"Don't be dazed, the enemy plane is gone, we have to go back to Green City as soon as possible." Si Zhanbei looked at the stunned brothers and said.

The brothers came back to their senses, put their equipment on their backs, and headed towards Green City.

Due to the hot weather and the severe lack of water, they had to stop after walking a certain distance.

"Boss, we can't do it anymore, we have to find a place to rest." Qin Feng said immediately as he watched the brothers' lips turn white due to lack of water.

The weather is too hot now, with the sun directly above our heads and the temperature reflected back from the sand on the ground, many brothers can no longer bear it.

But at this time, they are still more than half the distance from Greentown.If this continues, even if the brother does not die at the hands of the enemy, he will die of thirst and sunburn.

Not to mention the brothers, Si Zhanbei himself is not feeling well, but now that the road is flat and there is not even a pile of sand for shelter, where are they going to rest?
Even if they stopped, they were still in the sun.

"You can't see the sand dunes around here. Let's go a little further." Si Zhanbei looked back, and then walked forward again.

Sheng Fenghua himself didn't feel well, he almost fainted from the sun.But there is no way, even if she has a space, she can't stay in the space forever, can she?
She has to go with everyone, otherwise she won't be able to return to Greentown.

However, when it comes to water, she has a way.So, she deliberately lagged behind her brothers by a certain distance, then dodged into the space, and got a bottle of water out.

After the water came out, Sheng Fenghua quickened his pace, caught up with the brothers in front, and said, "I have some water here, let's drink some."

As soon as they heard that there was water to drink, the brothers' eyes lit up immediately.At this time, they are not only hot, but also thirsty.Now that I have water to drink, I am naturally very happy.

So, they didn't care where the water came from, and drank it one by one.Si Zhanbei and Qin Feng walked ahead, so it was their turn in the end.

Only when the brothers finished drinking the water did they have time to think about where the water came from.

So, they looked at Sheng Fenghua one by one, and asked, "Sister-in-law, when did you get water and carried it with you, why didn't we know?"

Naturally, Sheng Fenghua couldn't tell the truth, so he said: "You haven't followed me all the time, how can you know everything?"

After hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, the brothers didn't say anything more.Qin Feng, on the other hand, looked at Sheng Fenghua deeply, but he didn't speak.

Si Zhanbei saw Qin Feng's strangeness in his eyes, his eyes flickered slightly, and said, "Let's go, let's continue on our way."

After drinking the water, the brothers felt much better.So, on the road again.However, walking on two legs is still a bit slow.Even if they have been trained, they still have some difficulty walking on the sand under their feet.

They walked for another hour, but they didn't go very far.Many brothers couldn't walk anymore, so they said to Si Zhanbei: "Boss, can you find a place to rest?"

"Okay, I see a sand dune over there, why don't we go there to rest." Si Zhanbei looked around and said.

As soon as they heard that it was time to rest, the brothers immediately felt better, and then they headed towards the sand dunes.

When they got there, they didn't care whether the sand was hot or not, and just lay down in a cool place.After walking for several hours, I almost fainted from the sun.It will be a little shady, but comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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