ace warm marriage

Chapter 1607 Return Chapter Killing the Enemy

Chapter 1607 Returning to Kill the Enemy ([-])
"Has everyone rested? We have to hurry." Si Zhanbei glanced at his brothers and said.

Now if they rush back, they will reach Morrow just in the evening.

"Have a good rest, let's go early." Qin Feng glanced at his brothers, and then stood up.

The brothers also stood up, and then returned to the same road, heading for Morrow.

Braving the scorching sun, enduring hunger and thirst, they finally reached the outskirts of Morrow Town when it was dark.Because they knew that the entrance and exit of the town were guarded, they did not take the normal passage like last time.Instead, he turned to another place and entered Morrow over the wall.

After entering the town, the group first went to find some water and food, and then found a hidden place to sit down, eat and rest.

After eating, Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua simply changed their faces and went to inquire about the news.Soon, they got an important news that Reid was going to have a party.This is really good news for them.

However, the time was set for the next night.After Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua got the news, they immediately returned to the place where they stayed temporarily, and then told the brothers the news.

When the brothers heard the news, they all thought it was a good opportunity, an opportunity to wipe out the enemy in one go.So, they discussed immediately.

After discussing, everyone found another place to hide, just waiting for the arrival of the next night.

The waiting time is difficult.Finally, they waited for the night and arrived at Rhett's party.At 07:30 in the evening, people have already gone to Reid's villa one after another.

There are not many people in the Lone Wolf Special Forces, but Si Zhanbei had to divide Dakong into two groups in order to wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop and wipe out their arsenal before.

A group led by Qin Feng went to deal with the enemy's arsenal.The other group was led by himself to Zai Reid's villa.

After the division of labor was completed, the two went towards their destinations.

Because many people came, and they were all from the town.So Reid didn't check very strictly, and Si Zhanbei led his brothers in quickly.

After entering the villa, Si Zhanbei and the others did not do anything immediately, but walked around the villa first, observed the terrain and environment, and planned the retreat route.

Time passed bit by bit, and it was 08:30 in a blink of an eye.The people who should come have almost come.At this time, Reid came out, said a few words to everyone, and immediately announced the start of the party.

But right here, Si Zhanbei and the others moved.With a gunshot, Rhett fell down.The whole party suddenly became chaotic, and everyone ran outside desperately.

At the same time, Reid's men also reacted, looking around for the murderer.

The brothers had already guarded the door, so how could they let those terrorists go out?So no matter who it was, as long as they rushed to the door, they were all shot dead.

At this time, Si Zhanbei and others also fought against the enemy.As the enemy fired more and more shots, Si Zhanbei nodded to Sheng Fenghua.

Seeing Si Zhanbei nodding, Sheng Fenghua pressed the remote control in his hand, and then shouted: "Withdraw!"

When the brothers heard Sheng Fenghua's shout, they stopped guarding the door, turned around and ran outside.The moment they ran out, there was only a loud bang.The whole villa was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

In the sky full of flames, Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua ran out and joined the brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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