ace warm marriage

Chapter 1610 Sandstorm Attack

Chapter 1610 Sandstorm Attack ([-])

Lisa discovered the little trick, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to give up, and then took out his hand.

Sheng Fenghua regretted not being able to take out the poison.

"Drop your weapons!" Lisa said again, and now she was suddenly in no rush to kill them.She was going to take them back to Moreau, and let them make amends to their father.

Hearing Lisha's words, Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua looked at each other, but they didn't put down their weapons, but decided to run away.

Although the distance between Lisa and the others is not far, if they want to run, it is not impossible for them to run away.What's more, Sheng Fenghua wanted to enter the space while escaping.

In this way, even if they disappear, they won't attract Lisa's attention, and it will save a lot of trouble.

After confirming his thoughts with Si Zhanbei, Sheng Fenghua took his hand, turned around and ran away.As for Lisa and her subordinates, when they saw that they were about to run away, their expressions changed, and they immediately asked them to shoot.And she herself was going to fire the bazooka, ready to give the two of them a fatal blow.

If she couldn't bring them back, she could only kill them on the spot.

Sheng Fenghua knew that as long as they ran, the enemy would make a move.So, pulling Si Zhanbei quickly into the space.At the same time, she dropped a grenade.

Lisa was shooting a bazooka, and she was terrified when she saw the grenade thrown by Sheng Fenghua.He even forgot to open the bazooka and ran for his life.

The same goes for the others, in order to avoid the grenade, they fled in all directions.

The grenade exploded, and only one or two of the enemies who ran slowly were slightly injured, and the others were not.But Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei had disappeared.

After the explosion, Lisa looked again, and saw the figures of Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei who had disappeared.

"Look, we must find them." Lisa was so angry that she roared.Damn it, the enemy ran away right under their noses.

After hearing Lisha's words, the terrorists immediately looked around for Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua.After searching around but not finding it, he couldn't help but said to Lisa: "Miss Lisha, could they be running towards Greentown?"

"Since this is the case, what are you still doing in a daze, and look for it quickly."

So, a group of people went to the front to find it.Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua in the space came out when they heard that Lisha and the others had gone forward, and then attacked them from behind.

First, Sheng Fenghua aimed at Lisa because she had a bazooka in her hand.Even though she actually had a good impression of Lisa, she didn't actually want to kill her.But right now, they can only exclude her, because she is their enemy at the moment.What's more, she has a powerful weapon in her hand.

Si Zhanbei saw that Sheng Fenghua had already selected a target, so he pointed his gun at the others.

The two shot at the same time, and Lisa and a terrorist fell at the same time.As soon as the gunshot rang out, the terrorists reacted immediately, then turned around and shot back at the two of them.

Fortunately, the two of them have good skills, so they immediately dodged to avoid it.At this time, the enemy saw that they could not hit them with a gun, so they moved towards the bazooka that Lisa had thrown to the ground before.This bazooka has a wide range, even if Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua are fast, they may be affected.

Seeing that the enemy was going to get the bazooka, Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua's expressions changed, and they entered the space again.

When the enemy's rockets sounded, the two were already in the space.

The terrorist fired a cannon and looked forward again, only to find that Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua had disappeared.

The enemy thought he had succeeded and was very happy.Then he threw the gun away and celebrated.

(End of this chapter)

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