ace warm marriage

Chapter 165 It Should Be Her

Chapter 165 It Should Be Her
"I'm fine, why are you here?" Sheng Fenghua felt Si Zhanbei's worry and smiled at him.

"After get off work, come over and have a look. Why did you come back so late today? Is something wrong?" Si Zhanbei took the bag from Sheng Fenghua's hand and held her with the other.

Sheng Fenghua looked sideways at Si Zhanbei, knowing that he was worried about him, he squeezed his hand and said, "Something happened, but don't worry, I'm fine."

"Did Bai Feifei do it?" Si Zhanbei asked.

After asking, I realized that Bai Feifei was also here, so I couldn't help but look up, only to find that Bai Feifei had long since disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the station where there was no other person except him and Sheng Fenghua, Si Zhanbei's face turned cold.

Bai Feifei thought he had nothing to do with her because he escaped?Wait, then.

Sheng Fenghua nodded when he heard Si Zhanbei's question, and said, "It should be her."

"Don't worry, daughter-in-law, I will avenge you." Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua and promised.If he dared to bully his wife, he had to be prepared for revenge.

Even if Bai Feifei's father is the head of the regiment, so what, Bai Feifei dared to plot against Sheng Fenghua, dared to find someone to deal with her, how could he let her go?

Sheng Fenghua smiled, and said indifferently: "No need, I will avenge this revenge myself. Don't worry, I will definitely make Bai Feifei regret it for life."

Who is she Sheng Fenghua?But not the Virgin Mary.What she likes to do the most is an eye for an eye and an eye for an eye.

Whoever wants her life, she will kill the other person first.Who dares to bully and plot against her, she will pay back ten times and a hundred times.

Before Bai Feifei was just making trouble, she didn't take it to heart.But now, she actually found someone to destroy her innocence, so don't blame her for being cruel.

Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua for a while, but didn't speak.It is her own business for Sheng Fenghua to take revenge, and as a husband, she can't stop him from wanting to vent his anger on Sheng Fenghua.

You look at me, I look at you.For a while, neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere was a little stagnant. Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to change the subject and asked, "It's so late, have you eaten yet?"

Si Zhanbei shook his head and said, "Waiting for you to eat together."

"Then let's hurry up, I'm hungry." Sheng Fenghua said, holding Si Zhanbei's hand to speed up his pace.

The two returned home very quickly. Due to the long delay, the food that Si Zhanbei had brought back had already gone cold.

So, Sheng Fenghua changed his clothes, went into the kitchen, and heated up the food.

Because it was a bit late, both of them were hungry, and they looked like they were gobbling their meals.

After dinner, go out for a walk as usual.Sheng Fenghua told Si Zhanbei what happened in the hospital today and the gangsters he met on the way back.

When Si Zhanbei heard that Jun Nianchen personally sent the invitation letter to Sheng Fenghua, his expression turned a little bit bad.Men are naturally sensitive to rivals in love.

He had known for a long time that Jun Nianchen was interested in Sheng Fenghua, so he declared his sovereignty in front of him.I don't think the other party has not given up yet, it seems that he has to do something else.

At least, let Jun Nianchen have no time to find Sheng Fenghua.Of course, it's useless to just guard against him, the main thing is to let the little wife guard against him.

Thinking about it, Si Zhanbei said to Sheng Fenghua: "Daughter-in-law, Jun Nianchen is not a good person, stay away from him in the future."

Sheng Fenghua didn't understand Si Zhanbei's meaning for a while, and she had a pretty good impression of Jun Nianchen, so she wanted to say a few words for him.

(End of this chapter)

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